Sunday 13 August 2017

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BADEN BADEN, Jerman, 18 Maret Reuters - Pemimpin keuangan ekonomi terbesar di dunia menjatuhkan janji untuk menjaga perdagangan bebas dan terbuka secara global, menyetujui Amerika Serikat yang semakin proteksionis setelah dua hari Pertemuan tersebut gagal menghasilkan sebuah kompromi. Pemimpin keuangan dunia mengadopsi sebuah daftar prinsip pada hari Sabtu untuk meningkatkan ketahanan ekonomi mereka terhadap guncangan di masa depan, termasuk saran untuk memperkuat kerangka kebijakan untuk menuai keuntungan. Keuntungan dari pasar terbuka. BADEN BADEN, Jerman, 18 Maret Reuters - Amerika Serikat tetap berkomitmen untuk melakukan perdagangan bebas namun ingin memeriksa kembali beberapa kesepakatan perdagangan dan memperbaiki ekses mereka, kata Menteri Keuangan AS Steven Mnuchin pada hari Sabtu setelah pimpinan keuangan G20 mundur Komitmen terakhir tentang perdagangan. BADEN BADEN, 18 Maret Reuters - Kepala keuangan dari 20 negara teratas di dunia berjanji pada hari Sabtu untuk menyelesaikan peraturan perbankan baru S, meredakan kekhawatiran bahwa pemerintah AS yang baru akan menarik diri dari kesepakatan global yang telah lama tertunda yang dikenal sebagai Basel III. BADEN BADEN, Jerman, 18 Maret Reuters - Direktur Pelaksana Dana Moneter Internasional Christine Lagarde mengatakan pada hari Sabtu bahwa pertumbuhan global mulai menguat, Namun memperingatkan bahwa kebijakan yang salah dapat menghentikan momentum baru di jalurnya. BADEN BADEN, Germany, 18 Maret Reuters - Para pemimpin keuangan dunia gagal mencapai kesepakatan kompromi untuk mendukung perdagangan bebas pada hari Sabtu, mengulangi komitmen masa lalu untuk tetap melakukan perdagangan terbuka. Dan menolak proteksionisme, komunike menteri keuangan G20 dan bank sentral menunjukkan. BADEN BADEN, Jerman, 18 Maret Reuters - Para pemimpin keuangan dunia tidak mungkin membuat referensi untuk berdagang dalam komunike terakhir mereka pada hari Sabtu karena mereka tidak dapat menemukan Sebuah kata yang sesuai dengan Amerika Serikat, kata para pejabat yang mengetahui pembicaraan tersebut. LONDON, 17 Maret Reuters - Pengacara yang mewakili puluhan ribu Royal B Ank pemegang saham RBS Skotlandia mengadakan perundingan sementara untuk menyelesaikan 1 2 miliar pound 1 5 miliar klaim kerusakan atas penawaran hak baru pemberi pinjaman tahun 2008 yang diluncurkan sesaat sebelum bailout negara bagian, dua sumber mengatakan. BEIJING, 18 Maret Reuters - Ketua Kelompok Asuransi Anbang yang diselenggarakan secara pribadi dari China mengatakan pada China Development Forum pada hari Sabtu bahwa dia bullish dalam investasi di Eropa meskipun ada ketidakpastian besar mengenai isu-isu termasuk pengungsi, tantangan ekonomi dan meningkatnya populisme. 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Aplikasi Saxo dapat diunduh di situs web Saxo dan tersedia untuk perangkat Android dan iOS. Saxo Bank Capital Markets bonus dan promosi. Saxo Bank Capital Markets tidak pernah memiliki atau menawarkan bonus apa pun untuk kliennya Perdagangan pasar tidak sama dengan berjudi di kasino dan broker tidak ingin berasosiasi dengan broker sejenis ini. Perusahaan yang melakukannya Apa yang ditawarkan Saxo Bank Capital Markets sangat rendah, spread kompetitif mulai dari 0 3 pips pada pasangan forex utama Sejujurnya saya lebih menyukai spread yang jauh lebih rendah daripada bonus yang diperlukan omset sebelum saya Dapat menarik terus saja. Demo pasar Bank Capital Markets. Pada saat ini adalah mungkin untuk mencoba platform perdagangan Saxo Bank Capital Markets dengan akun demo uang virtual yang dimuat dengan 100k. Saxo Bank Capital Markets pada kesimpulan tinjauan. Pada saat Saxo Bank Capital Pasar memiliki setoran minimum minimum yang cukup tinggi yang dibutuhkan minimal 5.000 atau lebih, cukup tinggi untuk trader awal. Kita dapat menyimpulkan bahwa Saxo Bank Capital Markets tidak benar-benar cocok untuk ne. W pedagang atau orang baru ke pasar saham tapi lebih untuk pedagang hari dan pedagang institusional. Memproduksi lebih dari 9.000 aset keuangan termasuk forex, komoditas, futures, CFD, indeks dan ETF. Spread ketat mulai dari 0 3 pips, leverage hingga 200 1. Berlatih dengan akun demo tak terbatas. Dapat diandalkan dan diatur oleh banyak organisasi pengatur. Tersedia di smartphone dan tablet. Berita Keuangan Financial News. BADEN BADEN, Jerman, 18 Maret Reuters - Pemimpin keuangan ekonomi terbesar di dunia menjatuhkan janji untuk menjaga perdagangan bebas dan terbuka secara global, menyetujui Amerika Serikat yang semakin proteksionis setelah dua hari Pertemuan tersebut gagal menghasilkan sebuah kompromi. Pemimpin keuangan dunia mengadopsi sebuah daftar prinsip pada hari Sabtu untuk meningkatkan ketahanan ekonomi mereka terhadap guncangan di masa depan, termasuk saran untuk memperkuat kerangka kebijakan untuk menuai keuntungan. Keuntungan dari pasar terbuka. BADEN BADEN, Jerman, 18 Maret Reuters - Amerika Serikat tetap berkomitmen untuk melakukan perdagangan bebas namun ingin memeriksa kembali beberapa kesepakatan perdagangan dan memperbaiki ekses mereka, kata Menteri Keuangan AS Steven Mnuchin pada hari Sabtu setelah pimpinan keuangan G20 mundur Komitmen terakhir tentang perdagangan. BADEN BADEN, 18 Maret Reuters - Kepala keuangan dari 20 negara teratas di dunia berjanji pada hari Sabtu untuk menyelesaikan peraturan perbankan baru S, meredakan kekhawatiran bahwa pemerintah AS yang baru akan menarik diri dari kesepakatan global yang telah lama tertunda yang dikenal sebagai Basel III. BADEN BADEN, Jerman, 18 Maret Reuters - Direktur Pelaksana Dana Moneter Internasional Christine Lagarde mengatakan pada hari Sabtu bahwa pertumbuhan global mulai menguat, Namun memperingatkan bahwa kebijakan yang salah dapat menghentikan momentum baru di jalurnya. BADEN BADEN, Germany, 18 Maret Reuters - Para pemimpin keuangan dunia gagal mencapai kesepakatan kompromi untuk mendukung perdagangan bebas pada hari Sabtu, mengulangi komitmen masa lalu untuk tetap melakukan perdagangan terbuka. Dan menolak proteksionisme, komunike menteri keuangan G20 dan bank sentral menunjukkan. BADEN BADEN, Jerman, 18 Maret Reuters - Para pemimpin keuangan dunia tidak mungkin membuat referensi untuk berdagang dalam komunike terakhir mereka pada hari Sabtu karena mereka tidak dapat menemukan Sebuah kata yang sesuai dengan Amerika Serikat, kata para pejabat yang mengetahui pembicaraan tersebut. LONDON, 17 Maret Reuters - Pengacara yang mewakili puluhan ribu Royal B Ank pemegang saham RBS Skotlandia mengadakan perundingan sementara untuk menyelesaikan 1 2 miliar pound 1 5 miliar klaim kerusakan atas penawaran hak baru pemberi pinjaman tahun 2008 yang diluncurkan sesaat sebelum bailout negara bagian, dua sumber mengatakan. BEIJING, 18 Maret Reuters - Ketua Kelompok Asuransi Anbang yang diselenggarakan secara pribadi dari China mengatakan pada China Development Forum pada hari Sabtu bahwa dia bullish dalam investasi di Eropa meskipun ada ketidakpastian besar mengenai isu-isu termasuk pengungsi, tantangan ekonomi dan meningkatnya populisme. Pemerintah curbs pada pasar perumahan gagal untuk memenuhi harga rumah Menambahkan Guangzhou, Shijiazhuang larangan pembelian. Free Simulator Perdagangan Forex Simulator. Active Trading Cara Menggunakan Pivot Poin ke Trade. Pivot poin telah disebutkan di beberapa posting blog kami sebelumnya tetapi dalam artikel ini, Kami ingin menambahkan beberapa daging ke tulang dengan menjelaskan kepada para pedagang dan pembaca blog ini apa arti titik pivot dan bagaimana penggunaannya. Poin titik dapat digambarkan sebagai indikator yang pada dasarnya didasarkan pada aksi harga, dan yang membantu trader Menemukan tingkat harga kunci di pasar di mana harga aset berpotensi membalikkan sepenuhnya, atau mengkonsolidasikan sebelum mengalami pelarian Tingkat harga kunci ini kemudian dapat digunakan sebagai area dimana ada entri perdagangan dan keluar dapat dilakukan dengan wajar. Jumlah keberhasilan. Apa itu Pivot Point. A pivot point pada dasarnya adalah level harga kunci dari support atau resistance Biasanya ada beberapa titik pivot, dan mereka dihitung dengan menggunakan hi Gh, rendah, dan harga penutupan dari kerangka waktu tertentu Bentuk pivot yang paling umum adalah yang dihitung dengan nilai hari sebelumnya Setelah perhitungan, trader diberi 7 tingkat harga kunci yang merupakan harga pivot Tujuh tingkat harga utama adalah sebagai Berikut. Tiga daerah dukungan S1, S2, S3.Tiga daerah perlawanan R1, R2 dan R3.A tingkat harga netral yang dapat berfungsi sebagai pendukung atau perlawanan pivot sentral atau pivot harian. Kita juga bisa memiliki pivot mingguan dan bulanan, Tapi ini hanya berguna untuk pedagang jangka panjang. Sebelumnya, satu-satunya cara untuk menghitung titik pivot ini adalah dengan terus menghitung tingkat harga kunci ini secara manual setiap hari perdagangan baru dengan menggunakan harga tinggi, rendah dan tutup hari sebelumnya. Ini sangat merepotkan dan Bukan hal yang aneh melihat banyak pedagang bosan dengan keracunan perhitungan konstan dari titik pivot ini. Saya pribadi sudah sangat bosan menghitung poin pivot ini dari hari ke hari. Namun, hal-hal telah berubah Sekarang ada software t Topi telah diprogram dengan algoritma khusus yang memungkinkan mereka mengambil harga tinggi, rendah dan menutup hari sebelumnya dan menghitung titik pivot segar untuk setiap hari baru, dan merencanakannya di grafik forex secara otomatis, sehingga menghilangkan kebutuhan akan perhitungan manual Perangkat lunak ini Dikenal sebagai kalkulator titik pivot otomatis Ada beberapa versi gratis di seluruh internet dan pemindaian mesin pencari akan mengungkapkan setidaknya satu yang sesuai yang dapat digunakan oleh trader. Bagaimana Turunkan Poin Pivot dan Lampirkan Mereka ke Bagan Anda. Perhitungan Dari titik pivot didasarkan pada harga tinggi, rendah, dan harga penutupan dari hari sebelumnya harga tindakan Rumusnya adalah sebagai berikut. PHLC 3 titik pivot. Saat ini, rumus hanya digunakan untuk memberi para pedagang pengetahuan teoritis tentang bagaimana menghitung poros secara manual. Level point Akhir-akhir ini, menghemat waktu dan tenaga hanya dengan menggunakan kalkulator pivot point otomatis Pada platform MT4, kalkulator titik pivot otomatis harus ditempatkan di cu. Folder stom indicator setelah diunduh, lalu dilampirkan pada grafik yang akan dianalisis. Poin pivot kemudian akan muncul seperti garis putus-putus dengan warna yang berbeda. Biasanya garis support ditampilkan dalam warna hijau dan garis resistance ditunjukkan merah Bila titik pivot ini diplot pada grafik , Garis berwarna memberikan pengakuan visual langsung dari tingkat dukungan dan hambatan ini. Level ini cenderung bertahan di pasar karena mereka diawasi dan dihormati oleh jutaan pedagang forex di sisi perdagangan dan kelembagaan perdagangan. Oleh karena itu, mereka dapat digunakan sebagai Dasar yang kuat untuk menetapkan entri perdagangan dan titik keluar. Bagaimana Turunkan Poin Pivot dan Lampirkan Mereka ke Bagan Anda. Perhitungan titik pivot didasarkan pada harga tinggi, rendah, dan harga penutupan dari tindakan harga hari sebelumnya Rumusnya adalah sebagai Berikut. PHLC 3 titik pivot. Saat ini, rumus hanya digunakan untuk memberi para pedagang pengetahuan teoritis tentang bagaimana menghitung secara manual tingkat titik pivot Akhir-akhir ini, ini menghemat ti Saya dan usaha dengan hanya menggunakan kalkulator titik pivot otomatis Pada platform MT4, kalkulator titik pivot otomatis harus ditempatkan di folder indikator kustom setelah diunduh, lalu dilampirkan pada bagan yang akan dianalisis. Poin pivot kemudian akan muncul seperti garis putus-putus Dengan warna yang berbeda Biasanya garis pendukung ditunjukkan dalam warna hijau dan garis resistan yang ditunjukkan dalam warna merah Bila titik pivot ini diplot pada grafik, garis berwarna memberikan pengenalan visual langsung terhadap tingkat dukungan dan hambatan ini. Level ini cenderung bertahan di Pasar karena mereka diawasi dan dihormati oleh jutaan trader forex di sisi perdagangan eceran dan institusional Oleh karena itu, mereka dapat digunakan sebagai basis kuat untuk menetapkan entri perdagangan dan titik keluar. Strategi Trading Point Point. Mengapa poin pivot penting di forex? Perdagangan, terutama untuk pedagang intraday Poin pivot merupakan indikasi bias pasar untuk hari itu. Setelah hari bias pasar telah diidentifikasi D dan semacam tren jangka pendek telah terbentuk di sepanjang garis ini, pergerakan harga kemungkinan akan terhenti pada level pivot berikutnya, atau harga untuk sementara dapat mengambil nafas karena menguji tingkat harga kunci yang berulang kali jika bias Untuk pasar cukup kuat, level kunci itu pada akhirnya akan pecah. Pedagang dapat menggunakan level kunci berikutnya di garis tren sebagai area dimana target keuntungan untuk perdagangan dapat ditetapkan, dan kemudian menggunakan tingkat harga kunci yang berlawanan dengan Garis pergerakan ini sebagai area untuk menentukan tingkat stop loss. Dalam uptrend maka, ada kemungkinan stop loss dan target keuntungan ditetapkan seperti berikut tergantung dari mana harga telah turun dari Jika masuk di S2 Sebuah pasar dengan bias bullish, maka level kunci berikutnya adalah di S1 ​​bertindak sebagai resistance Profit target bisa di atur disana Jika harga tembus oleh S1, maka target selanjutnya adalah pivot sentral Jika harga tembus menembus level tersebut juga, maka selanjutnya Target di R1 Dalam semua ini Contoh, sejak masuk di S2, stop loss harus ditetapkan di bawah S2 sehingga meskipun retret harga melawan posisi perdagangan, dukungan S2 dapat melindunginya dari stop loss. Inilah prinsip yang digunakan dalam pengaturan pemberhentian dalam tren naik. Menggunakan titik pivot Gunakan level kunci berikutnya di atas harga sebagai target keuntungan, dan gunakan titik harga antara tingkat kunci di mana perdagangan dimulai dan yang di bawahnya sebagai titik masuk. Di pasar dengan bias bearish, entri dibuat di R3 misalnya Akan memiliki R2 sebagai target keuntungan Jika harga menembus R2, maka R1 menjadi target keuntungan berikutnya, dalam urutan itu Target keuntungan berikutnya adalah tingkat harga kunci yang lebih rendah, namun jika tingkat itu dipecahkan oleh candle, maka yang di bawahnya adalah Menjadi target keuntungan berikutnya Dalam menetapkan stop loss, tingkat stop loss diatur di atas level kunci dari tempat masuknya perdagangan. Dengan cara ini, jika aksi harga terhadap posisi short trader, tingkat harga kunci dari titik perdagangan Masuk kemungkinan besar akan melindunginya Stop loss dipicu. Demonstrasi dari apa yang baru saja dijelaskan di atas terlihat pada tabel di bawah ini. Titik referensi kami dimulai dari bullish pinbar yang dibuka di atas pivot sentral, memberikan bias bullish untuk hari yang bersangkutan. Dibuat pada rendahnya candle berikutnya, yang dengan tepat dipantulkan dari pivot sentral. Stop loss harus diatur antara pivot sentral dan S1. Harga bergerak ke atas seiring dengan bias pasar bullish, dan bukannya mendekati R1 yang selanjutnya Target laba logis, referensi lilin pecah di atasnya, membuka jalan bagi R2 untuk menjadi target keuntungan berikutnya Harga gagal mematahkan R2 itu hanya mengujinya, membenarkan R2 sebagai target keuntungan Di sinilah pedagang yang membuat entry di Pivot sentral harus keluar dari trade. Next, kita melihat harga membuat retracement singkat ke R1, di mana terbentuk pinbar lain, membenarkan bahwa masuknya perdagangan lain pada sisi bullish bisa dibuat di sini Perdagangan re-entry dapat dilakukan. Setelah berhasil menembus R2, membuka jalan bagi R3 sebagai target keuntungan Stop loss yang tepat harus ditetapkan antara R1 dan pivot sentral. Setelah mencapai R3 sebagai resistance kuat, bias untuk perdagangan berubah menjadi bearish, memberikan dorongan untuk jangka pendek. Perdagangan dimulai pada R3 yang gagal memecah R2 R2 karena itu akan menjadi target keuntungan, dengan stop loss yang ditetapkan di atas R3 Setelah R2 diuji berkali-kali sebagai dukungan, pada akhirnya memberi jalan Oleh karena itu, perdagangan dilakukan pada lilin berikutnya yang ditarik kembali. Dari pelarian lilin rendah sampai R2 Stop loss akan ditetapkan di antara R2 dan R3 Langkah baru ini menembus R1 dan berakhir di pivot sentral, membuat pivot sentral menjadi sasaran berikutnya untuk perdagangan. Harga turun kembali ke R2, yang menolak apapun Retracement bullish lebih lanjut Ini akan menandai titik masuknya perdagangan singkat lainnya, dengan menggunakan stop loss set antara R2 dan R3 Langkah bearish baru ini sangat kuat, merobek R1, pivot sentral dan S1 Langkah ini akhirnya gagal menembus level S2, Dan ini akan menandai target keuntungan perdagangan baru. Manfaatkan bagan ini dengan sangat baik untuk memahami prinsip-prinsip pivot point trading Perhatikan pola dan perilaku candlestetan pada tingkat harga kunci Kami melihat pinbars yang menyediakan sinyal masuk perdagangan bullish Kami juga melihat Pinbars pada R3 dan R2 yang memberikan indikasi bahwa tingkat ini adalah area yang baik untuk dilepas. Lilin pelepas menunjukkan jalan ke tingkat kunci berikutnya sebagai target keuntungan, yang memungkinkan para pedagang untuk memperpanjang jangka keuntungan mereka. Bila Anda melakukannya dengan benar, titik pivot kemudian bisa menjadi Dimasukkan ke dalam arsenal strategi perdagangan Anda. Petunjuk Perdagangan Intif Bagaimana Menggunakan Poin Pivot ke Perdagangan.19 JULI 2013 9 17. Poin promosi telah disebutkan di beberapa posting blog sebelumnya, namun pada artikel ini, kami ingin menambahkan beberapa daging ke tulang. Dengan menjelaskan kepada para pedagang dan pembaca blog ini apa pivot pointnya sebenarnya dan bagaimana penggunaannya. Poin promosi dapat digambarkan sebagai indikator yang pada dasarnya didasarkan pada aksi harga, dan yang membantu Seorang pedagang menemukan tingkat harga kunci di pasar di mana harga aset berpotensi membalikkan sepenuhnya, atau mengkonsolidasikan sebelum mengalami pelarian Tingkat harga kunci ini kemudian dapat digunakan sebagai area dimana ada entri perdagangan dan keluar dapat dilakukan dengan Jumlah yang masuk akal sukses. Apa itu Titik Pivot. Titik pivot pada dasarnya adalah tingkat harga kunci dukungan atau hambatan Biasanya ada beberapa titik pivot, dan dihitung dengan harga yang tinggi, rendah, dan mendekati dari kerangka waktu tertentu. Bentuk pivot yang paling umum adalah yang dihitung dengan nilai hari sebelumnya. Setelah dihitung, trader diberi 7 level harga kunci yang merupakan pivots harga. Tujuh tingkat harga utama adalah sebagai berikut. Tiga bidang dukungan S1, S2, S3 Tiga Daerah resistansi R1, R2 dan R3 Tingkat harga netral yang dapat berfungsi sebagai pendukung atau hambatan pivot sentral atau pivot harian. Kita juga bisa memiliki pivot mingguan dan bulanan, namun ini hanya berguna untuk waktu yang lama. Pedagang lama. Sebelumnya, satu-satunya cara untuk menghitung titik pivot ini adalah dengan terus menghitung tingkat harga kunci ini secara manual setiap hari perdagangan baru dengan menggunakan harga tinggi, rendah dan tutup hari sebelumnya. Ini sangat tidak praktis dan tidak biasa melihat banyak pedagang. Bosan dengan dreariness perhitungan konstan dari titik pivot ini saya secara pribadi sangat lelah menghitung titik pivot ini hari demi hari. Namun, hal-hal telah berubah Sekarang ada software yang telah diprogram dengan algoritma khusus yang memungkinkan mereka mengambil hari sebelumnya. S tinggi, rendah dan harga penutupan dan menghitung titik pivot segar untuk setiap hari baru, dan plot mereka di grafik forex secara otomatis, sehingga menghilangkan kebutuhan untuk perhitungan manual Perangkat lunak ini dikenal sebagai kalkulator titik pivot otomatis Ada beberapa versi gratis di seluruh Internet dan pemindaian mesin pencari akan mengungkapkan setidaknya satu yang sesuai yang dapat digunakan trader. Bagaimana Turunkan Poin Pivot dan Lampirkan Mereka ke Bagan Anda. Perhitungan titik pivot didasarkan pada harga tinggi, rendah, dan harga penutupan dari tindakan harga hari sebelumnya. Rumusnya adalah sebagai berikut. PHLC 3 titik pivot. Saat ini, rumusnya hanya digunakan untuk memberi para trader pengetahuan teoritis. Dari cara menghitung secara manual tingkat titik pivot Akhir-akhir ini, menghemat waktu dan tenaga hanya dengan menggunakan kalkulator pivot point otomatis Pada platform MT4, kalkulator titik pivot otomatis harus ditempatkan di folder indikator kustom setelah diunduh, lalu dilampirkan pada bagan Untuk dianalisis Poin pivot kemudian akan muncul sebagai garis putus-putus dengan warna yang berbeda Biasanya garis pendukung diperlihatkan dalam warna hijau dan garis resistan yang ditunjukkan dalam warna merah Bila titik pivot ini diplot pada grafik, garis berwarna memberikan pengenalan visual langsung terhadapnya. Level support dan resistance Level ini cenderung bertahan di pasar karena mereka diawasi dan dihormati oleh jutaan trader forex di retail dan institutio. Oleh karena itu, mereka dapat digunakan sebagai basis kuat untuk menetapkan entri perdagangan dan titik keluar. Strategi Perdagangan Point Point. Mengapa poin pivot penting dalam perdagangan forex, terutama untuk pedagang intraday Poin pivot adalah indikasi bias pasar untuk Hari. Setelah bias pasar hari telah diidentifikasi dan beberapa jenis tren jangka pendek telah ditetapkan di sepanjang garis ini, pergerakan harga kemungkinan akan dihentikan pada tingkat pivot berikutnya, atau harga sementara dapat mengambil nafas sebagai Ini menguji tingkat harga kunci berulang-ulang. Jika bias pasar cukup kuat, level kunci pada akhirnya akan dipatahkan. Pedagang dapat menggunakan level kunci berikutnya di garis tren sebagai area dimana target keuntungan untuk perdagangan dapat ditetapkan. , Dan kemudian menggunakan tingkat harga kunci yang berlawanan dengan garis pergerakan ini sebagai area untuk menentukan tingkat stop loss. Dalam tren naik, mungkin saja target stop loss dan profit ditetapkan sebagai berikut tergantung pada dimana pr Es telah lepas landas dari Jika masuk dibuat di S2 di pasar dengan bias bullish, maka level kunci berikutnya adalah pada S1 bertindak sebagai resistance Profit target dapat diset di sana Jika harga tembus oleh S1, maka target selanjutnya adalah pivot sentral. Jika harga menembus tingkat itu juga, maka target berikutnya adalah di R1 Dalam semua kasus ini, karena entri dibuat di S2, stop loss harus ditetapkan di bawah S2 sehingga meskipun harga mundur terhadap posisi perdagangan, dukungan S2 Dapat melindungi dari stop loss Ini adalah prinsip yang digunakan dalam setting stop pada uptrend menggunakan pivot points Gunakan level kunci berikutnya di atas harga sebagai target keuntungan, dan gunakan titik harga antara tingkat kunci dimana perdagangan dimulai dan yang di bawah Ini sebagai titik masuk. Di pasar dengan bias bearish, entri yang dibuat di R3 misalnya akan memiliki R2 sebagai target keuntungan Jika harga menembus R2, maka R1 menjadi target keuntungan berikutnya, dalam urutan tersebut Target profit berikutnya adalah yang lebih rendah. Tingkat harga kunci, tapi jika tingkat itu Rusak oleh lilin, maka yang di bawahnya menjadi target keuntungan berikutnya Dalam menetapkan stop loss, tingkat stop loss diatur di atas level kunci dari tempat masuknya perdagangan. Dengan cara ini, jika aksi harga melawan trader Posisi pendek, tingkat harga kunci dari titik masuk perdagangan kemungkinan besar akan mencegah stop loss dipicu. Demonstrasi dari apa yang baru saja dijelaskan di atas terlihat pada tabel di bawah ini. Titik referensi kami dimulai dari bullish pinbar yang dibuka di atas. Poros sentral, menganugerahkan bias bullish untuk hari yang bersangkutan Entri dibuat pada rendahnya candle berikutnya, yang dengan tepat dipantul dari pivot sentral Stop loss harus diatur antara pivot sentral dan S1 Harga bergerak ke atas secara bersamaan Dengan bias pasar bullish, dan bukannya menutup pada R1 yang merupakan target keuntungan logis berikutnya, lilin acuan pecah di atasnya, membuka jalan bagi R2 untuk menjadi target keuntungan berikutnya Harga gagal menembus R2. Itu hanya mengujinya, membenarkan R2 sebagai target keuntungan Di sinilah pedagang yang membuat entry di pivot sentral harus keluar dari trade. Next, kita melihat harga membuat retracement singkat ke R1, dimana ada pinbar yang terbentuk, membenarkan yang lain. Masuk perdagangan di sisi bullish bisa dibuat di sini Lilin perdagangan re-entry menembus R2, membuka jalan bagi R3 sebagai target keuntungan Stop loss yang tepat harus ditetapkan antara R1 dan pivot sentral. Setelah mencapai R3 sebagai resistance kuat, Bias untuk perdagangan berubah menjadi bearish, memberikan dorongan untuk perdagangan singkat yang dimulai pada R3 yang gagal memecah R2 R2 karena itu akan menjadi target keuntungan, dengan stop loss yang ditetapkan di atas R3 Setelah R2 diuji beberapa kali sebagai pendukung, itu Akhirnya memberi jalan Oleh karena itu, perdagangan dibuat pada lilin berikutnya yang ditarik dari lilin pelontar rendah ke R2 Stop loss akan ditetapkan di antara R2 dan R3 Langkah baru ini menembus R1 dan berakhir di pivot sentral, membuat poros sentral Ne xt target for the trade. The price retreated back to R2, which resisted any further bullish retracement This would mark the point of another short trade entry, using a stop loss set between R2 and R3 This new bearish move was a very strong one, tearing through R1, central pivot and S1 The move eventually failed to break S2, and this would mark the new trade profit target. Study this chart very well to understand the principles of pivot point trading Watch the pattern and behaviour of thecandlesticks at these key price levels We see the pinbars that provided bullish trade entry signals We also see the pinbars at R3 and R2 which provided indications that these levels were good areas to go short Breakout candles show the way to the next key levels as profit targets, enabling traders to extend their profitable runs. When you get it right, pivot points can then be incorporated into your trade strategy arsenal. The Pivot Point Forex Trading Strategy. The following pivot point trading strategy has been around for a long time It was originally used by floor traders This was a nice and easy way for floor traders to have an idea of where the market was going during the course of the day using just a few basic calculations. The pivot point is defined as the level at which the market direction changes for the day Using some simple math and the previous day s high, low and closing prices, a series of points are set These points can be critical support and resistance levels The pivot level, support and resistance levels calculated from those prices are collectively known as pivot levels. Every day, the market you are following has an open, high, low and closing price for the day some markets, such as the forex market, are open 24 hours, but we generally use midnight GMT Greenwich Mean Time as the open and close time This information basically contains all the data you need to use pivot points. The reason pivot points are so popular is that they are predictive as opposed to lagging You us e the previous day s information to calculate potential turning points for the day you are about to trade present day. Because many traders follow pivot points, you will often find that the market reacts at these levels This gives you an opportunity to trade. As an alternative to calculating pivot points on your own, you can use our very own pivot point calculator. If you prefer to calculate the pivot points yourself, here are the formulas you need. Resistance 3 High 2 Pivot - Low. Resistance 2 Pivot R1 - S1.Resistance 1 2 Pivot - Low. Pivot Point High Close Low 3.Support 1 2 Pivot - High. Support 2 Pivot - R1 - S1.Support 3 Low - 2 High - Pivot. As you can see from the above formulas, just by having the previous day s high, low and close prices, you eventually end up with 7 points 3 resistance levels, 3 support levels and the actual pivot point. If the market opens above the pivot point, then the bias for the day is long trades If the market opens below the pivot point, then the bias for the d ay is short trades. The three most important pivot points are R1, S1 and the actual pivot point. The general idea behind trading pivot points is to look for a reversal or break of R1 or S1 By the time the market reaches R2 or R3, or S2 or S3, the market will already be overbought or oversold and these levels should be used as cues to exit rather than enter. A perfect setup would be for the market to open above the pivot level and then stall slightly at R1 then go on to R2 You would enter on a break of R1 with a target of R2 and if the market was really strong close half at R2 and target R3 with the remainder of your position. Unfortunately, things don t always go according to plan we have to approach each trading day the best we can I have picked a random day from the past, and what follows are some ideas on how you could have traded that day using pivot points. On 12 August 2004, the EUR USD had the following characteristics. Resistance 3 1 2377.Resistance 2 1 2337.Resistance 1 1 2293.Pivot Point 1 2253.Support 1 1 2209.Support 2 1 2169.Support 3 1 2125.Take a glance at the 5-min chart below. The green line represents the pivot point The blue lines are the 3 resistance levels R1, R2 and R3 The red lines are the support levels S1, S2 and S3.There are many ways to trade this scenario using pivot points but I shall walk you through a few of them and demonstrate why some of them are good in certain situations and why some of them are not. The Breakout Trade. The Pullback Trade. This is a great setup The market passes through S1 and then pulls back up An entry order is placed below support, which in this case was the most recent low before the pullback A stop is then placed above the pullback the most recent high - pea k and a target is set for S2 The problem, though, in this example, was that the target of S2 1 2169 was too far, and the market never took out the previous support shown on the graphic below with the grey line , which was an indication that the market sentiment was beginning to change. Breakout of Resistance. Options trading strategies module study material. 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Foreign exchange banks throughout the world participate and play a big role in forex, although their roles have been greatly reduced from yes teryear John Atkin points out in his book The Foreign Exchange Market Of London that The Bank had long used a mixture of nods, winks and arm twisting to influence the behavior of participants in the domestic money and banking markets It is no secret that Foreign exchange banks dominate the top level of access for the best Forex spread Using their big pool of clients along with their own accounts, inter-bank market made up more than half of all Forex transactions. In the late 1930 s banks were the market maker for specified currencies According to Atkin, In the case of the US dollar sterling rate, the Bank announced - when the market re-opened on 5 September 1939 - that its buying rate for dollars would be 4 06, and that its selling would be 4 02 This spread of 4 US cents or 400 points, compared with a normal peacetime inter-bank spread of 13 points, or less His observation serve to highlight the profitable spread enjoyed by banks in that era This trend continued until after World War II , when a normal foreign market exchange market slowly became apparent. 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Skills from corporate training course day trading websites work O Closely about stock market could be delivered at. binary option trading bot signal. is binary options trading gambling 60 seconds strategy downloadparison of binary option brokers robot review. Real Time Forex Chart. Real time Forex chart is a web-based program set up on real-time exchange systems with multi-abilities designed to balance your trading strategies Many of the forex chart free systems are unable to provide the precise and immediate information that is required to be consist ently successful in forex trading. Having data supplied and price indicators that appear on real-time screens and can be viewed easily online provides an individual with the ability to adapt their methods and trades to meet immediate fluctuations in the market Menus built in to the program enable you to choose the type of chart that you want to generate so that your specific needs, requirements, and interests can be focused on easily and efficiently. A time scale is also built into the program This feature allows an individual to choose time intervals where data points will appear A person can choose tick, 5-minute, 1-hour, or daily charts The menu functions also allow for multiple indicators to be set and specific periods of time to be chosen and change based on the number of data points that appear at specified times. The navigation of the system has been designed to be very easy to use and enables selection of information and analysis of data based on the indicators that signal changes in the market You can select this option to chart your data by using a mouse pointer A broad range of information can be seen by selecting icons with the data indicator pointer that is accessed with a pointer Some of the charts have multiple logarithmic features that allow you to adjust y-axis scales to the logarithmic rather than arithmetic Traders often use this function because it is possible to interject variables that may fluctuate on a regular basis. Logarithmic selections will appear in bold once it has been chosen Choosing to remove logarithmic scales once they have been selected is very easy using the crosshair features in the system These allow the traders to toggle and display crosshairs. There are many different types of charts available for advanced professionals in Forex exchange markets and may be added to your strategy as you adapt to the different uses of charts An individual can use the charts provided to find a huge volume of currency pairs Some systems have interacti ve features that allow you to change certain default setting in the chart including time scales, pairs that are being monitored and indicator signals. Added interactive features allow an individual to add new indicators that will expand and enhance the ability to increase reaction time to fluctuations in the market and enhance advantages for gains You may be able to use some charts to save your new studies while creating a new system as well Forex free charts and real time chart types include a multitude of diverse charts that include flash, currency, live and streaming Forex charts, and many more. With each real time Forex chart a person will find more opportunities to create a forex chart free and save it for use at a later time The program comes with many tools and features that will help a person to develop the winning strategy needed to begin getting the consistent returns from their Forex trading that they are seeking Talking to a professional about the effectiveness, benefits, and advantages of a Real Time Forex chart will provide you with the information and details needed to use the program to its fullest and develop the strategy that will help you to be successful. Forex Vs Equities. Important This page is part of archived content and may be outdated. Traders that have in the past engaged in equity trading realize that trading in the forex market has major differences then trading in the equity trading market as the forex market is a non stop market that trades 24 hours a day 5 days a week therefore offering traders opportunities to both trade at odd hours and additionally capitalize on facts or breaking news that make it to the headlines all around the clock. When trading forex regardless if you are in Tokyo, Chicago, Kuala Lumpur, Athens or New York when you open your trading platform there will always be buyers and sellers as the forex market literally does not sleep This flexibility offers opportunities for traders to both practice forex as a part time pract ice and more over it allows them to conduct other business practices during regular business hours which do not affect their trading practice. Additionally the flexibility of forex does not require a trader to be in one physical location as the only tool he needs to trade is a computer or a computer based telephone that will allow him to have access to the internet In the equity market it is important to understand that trading after hours might in some cases be allowed but it will have major limitations as equity traders have access to matching systems often known as ECN s which in reality are an internal network allowing traders to interact with one another and trade it is only fair to say that these kind of networks are unable to offer tight spreads during after hours trading which means that most trades are not executed at fair market prices meaning in reality that no guarantees can be presented in regards to if every trade can be executed. Thinking back for a second you will realize that any sort of an investment market lacking liquidity and substantially a lack of sellers and buyers at any given time is doomed to be escaped by traders which can not be accommodated and will seek an investment market that can match their needs and match their requirements in offering liquidity. As the forex market operates with a worldwide massive network of banks, corporations, hedge funds and retail traders just like traders here at trading-point it is only reasonable that it is classified as the worlds most liquid and emerging marketplace which does not sleep and does not have working hours. In difference to equity trading that have a very rough time selling their assets at times when the market might be moving against them the forex market has one main basic difference not only from the equity market but from all markets available worldwide and that is that there is always a buyer and there is always a seller available all around the clock 5 days a week The practice of trading c urrencies has one main advantage which enables the high liquidity present in this particular market. The market s constant and emerging volatility provides the constant potential for gains and of course, the constant potential for loss as well Forex trading can be very risky when abused similar to any form of trading, but execution in or out of trades should not be a problem when trading through reasonable boundaries. High Leverage in Contrast to Equity Trading. When talking about forex the most important key factor to discuss is that of leverage as the particular term brings is what brings both risk and gain in what we call the foreign exchange market which is something not present in equity trading When we talk about leverage we describe the possibility to control positions larger than that of the face value of the capital associated with the assistance of leverage which is offered from trading-point. We offer leverage as high as 1 500 which traders have the benefit of taking advantage o f regardless of what kind of account type they maintain therefore allowing them to gain a competitive advantage over equity traders From one point of view leverage is what brings risk to the forex market but it can have high advantages in contrast to equities trading when it is not abused and properly used In order to best understand what the advantages of leverage is you should first of all realize that the currency market is in a constant moving phase with relatively very small market movements. To make it easy to comprehend you should understand that the average movement across currencies is around 1 across all major pairs available for trading If you might compare that to the equity trading market you will soon realize that as the daily movements of the equity market are around 10 you will realize why large volumes are needed to accumulate a respected profit from a price movement Made even easier as the changes of the currency market as small tiny you need a large volume of movement s in order for the multiplier to present a relatively respected figure to the table. With out the presence of leverage most retail traders cannot really trade in the forex market as with a small capital they can t really experience any sort of respected gains which will allow them to sustain a profit and at the same time position them in risk as many rookies make a common mistake of opening to many positions simultaneously meaning that an unexpected marker movement might mean a large drawback. We strictly advise any trader new to the Forex market to trade only a very small percentage of their account at any one time in order to be able to control both gains and losses and have the time digest practices that might have lead to a gain or a loss as forex is very much different to equity trading. If you are interested in trading currencies online, you will find that the Forex market offers several advantages over equities trading. Forex is a true 24-hour market, which offers a major advantage over equities trading Whether it s 6pm or 6am, somewhere in the world there are always buyers and sellers actively trading foreign currencies. Traders can always respond to breaking news immediately, and PL is not affected by after hours earning reports or analyst conference calls. After hours trading for U S equities brings with it several limitations ECN s Electronic Communication Networks , also called matching systems, exist to bring together buyers and sellers - when possible. However, there is no guarantee that every trade will be executed, nor at a fair market price. Quite frequently, traders must wait until the market opens the following day in order to receive a tighter spread. With a daily trading volume that is 50x larger than the New York Stock Exchange, there are always broker dealers willing to buy or sell currencies in the FX markets. The liquidity of this market, especially that of the major currencies, helps ensure price stability Traders can almost always open or close a po sition at a fair market price. Because of the lower trade volume, investors in the stock market are more vulnerable to liquidity risk, which results in a wider dealing spread or larger price movements in response to any relatively large transaction.100 1 leverage is commonly available from online FX dealers, which substantially exceeds the common 2 1 margin offered by equity brokers At 100 1, traders post 1000 margin for a 100,000 position, or 1.While certainly not for everyone, the substantial leverage available from online currency trading firms is a powerful, moneymaking tool. Rather than merely loading up on risk as many people incorrectly assume, leverage is essential in the Forex market. This is because the average daily percentage move of a major currency is less than 1 , whereas a stock can easily have a 10 price move on any given day. The most effective way to manage the risk associated with margined trading is to diligently follow a disciplined trading style that consistently uti lizes stop and limit orders Devise and adhere to a system where your controls kick in when emotion might otherwise take over. Lower Transaction Costs. It is much more cost-efficient to trade Forex in terms of both commissions and transaction fees FOREX companies usually charge NO commissions or fees whatsoever, while still offering traders access to all relevant market information and trading tools. In contrast, commissions for stock trades range from 7 95 - 29 95 per trade with online discount brokers up to 100 or more per trade with full service brokers. Another important point to consider is the width of the bid ask spread. Regardless of deal size, forex dealing spreads are normally 5 pips or less a pip is 0005 US cents In general, the width of the spread in a forex transaction is less than 1 10 that of a stock transaction, which could include a 125 1 8 wide spread. Profit Potential in Both Rising and Falling Markets. In every open FX position, an investor is long in one currency and short the other A short position is one in which the trader sells a currency in anticipation that it will depreciate This means that potential exists in a rising as well as a falling market. The ability to sell currencies without any limitations is another distinct advantage over equity trading. In the US equity markets, it is much more difficult to establish a short position due to the Zero Uptick rule, which prevents investors from shorting a stock unless the immediately preceding trade was equal to or lower than the price of the short sale. Forex trading vs equity trading are binary option halal system jo. Of currency trading coach Trader and volatility july, courses, acn, robots, with a broker Costs are many ways how managed Are opening themselves are very few forex metals trading, robots and not a study on hand to see fc forex trading Systems with a trader pro forex means foreign exchange rates for foreign exchange forex and futures, more people prefer futures over currencies the more oppo rtunity and never. 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Movement of the benefit of the term, but continuations favor the forex trader While oth Stocks.404 14th St Oakland CA 94612 USA. If you want to be more confident about your trading, if you want to have more fun while you trade, and if you are ready to make more money - and keep it - then I want to ask you to watch this 90-second video. The number one reason that traders don t make and keep their profits is that they don t feel confident about their trades The number one reason they don t feel confident about their trades is that losing traders take their trades too late They only trade when they ve seen the big move Then their trades move the wrong way, they get worried, and they spiral into the wicked descent of the losing trader. We can teach you to take trades from the EDGE - before everyone else - and stay in your winning trades.10 hours of video instruction. to teach you how to quickly set up high-profit trades. All video is archived. you can watch it over and over, with lifetime access. The first 10 lessons will be delivered to you instantly And we re adding more lessons every week. The videos will teach you in step-by-step instructions how to set up your charts simply, quickly, to maximize your ability to trade confidently every day. If you are a beginne r, you ll be happy to know we don t use any specialized or complicated indicators and you ll be learning a new twist on classic principles of support and resistance trading. If you are an advanced trader who wants to get more profits out of what you do, or to simplify your trading, we ve packed the video series with advanced lessons to help you take your trading to the next level. We show hundreds of examples of trades from the stock market, forex, and futures - so no matter what you trade, you re covered. To take advantage of the introductory offer, click the huge blue button below and get started We ll send you access to your first 10 lessons instantly And at the end of your first 10 days, we ll unlock bonus material on the psychology of trading and money management techniques just for Edge Traders And we re adding more lessons all the time. Gauging Your Emotional Equity Level. Had another hectic week my apologies By Friday, I was just too mentally exhausted to think clearly. Let s talk so me now about emotional equity By now I hope you understand the impact emotions can have on your trading and yes, it can be seen in the charts Just look at what happens to price during the time the economic data is released especially if the data was a surprise to everyone. Your trading equity chart also shows the same, but how can you use it to give you a heads-up as to what is going on with you the trader I presume it is every trader s goal to be trading FX to make money If they are trading and not making money, then several things could be the issue 1 Their trading method including money management might need an adjustment 2 Issues with the broker s platform 3 The trader themselves If the first two are working well, then it must be the third. Below is a trading history graph from an MT4 platform used with permission Simple trendline analysis will show a trader when they need to be very careful Notice the red circle Should the trader s equity dip below that line, the trader needs to sto p and take stock of themselves Should they ignore that first warning and continue to trade and their account balance goes below the horizontal blue line, something is definitely wrong. That little tool should help you, if you take it seriously, and are honest with yourself and what is happening to you emotionally and mentally. Until next time trade well. Developing YOUR Heart-Mind Trading Edge. Hello Forex-TSD Traders and Visitors. Glad you stopped by and I m very glad to be here In case you re wondering why First off, I rediscovered Forex-TSD in my quest for some trading goodies and realized how much great stuff is here AND how many traders here are helping others especially the Newbies Now that is right up my alley I enjoy helping traders as much as I can, to overcome the hurdles to profitability in their trading. I myself started as a Newbie in the trading world over 15 years ago Since that time, much has been learnt from the Trading Camp of the Markets If I can help a Newbie or another l evel trader succeed, that s great If you share something that would help another trader, great There are not really many places, given the number of people interested in developing their trading skills, that a trader can go to and get help especially in a step-by-step fashion That is one reason forums like this one have become a good resource. One thing I can say now is that I have found that the Heart-Mind Connection in trading is probably the area most neglected by traders as they pursue the best system and tools they can find Here are definitely some MUST HAVES. YES, you MUST have a broker. YES, you MUST have a trading system or method for entering and exiting the market 65 success rate or better. YES, you MUST have a very good MONEY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM and of course the capital for the leverage you are using. YES, you MUST have an understanding of the market you are trading. and there is at least one more MUST HAVE. YES, you MUST have a way to deal with those emotions YOUR Heart-Mind Tradin g Edge. Most traders are focused on getting the best tools at the expense of an indispensable one, themselves Even if you use a robot, there is usually a way to switch it off if things get too scary for you This is where I d like to focus in this thread although I m sure other topics may pop up from time to time. Ever heard of the TV Show The Weakest Link I believe a trader s Heart-Mind Trading Edge is their weakest link Every trader, even veteran traders, have to deal with it If we can focus on this area, together we can work at minimizing if not eliminating its effects from our trading show At the moment, it is estimated that over 80 , probably closer to 85 of Forex traders lose their capital and the percentage is even higher for Newbies. More to come, will be back soon. Last edited by Heart-Mind Trader 27-04-2015, 14 00.Tess trading edge strategy software Best Auto Traders Reviewed purplecube in. 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How to use a lagging indicator and leading indicator together for an amazingly powerful 1-2 combination that can revolutionize your trading over night This one technique alone is worth 10x the investment of this course. Who is this course for. Day traders of individual stocks, ETFs and stock futures SP, Nasdaq, Dow, Russell futures, etc will receive the most value from this course and be able to utilize every aspect of it. This course will not be beneficial to those who trade currencies spot Forex or futures. You must have access to the Advance Decline Index and also the Up Down Volume Index for your charts Users of Tradestation and eSignal data will definitely have these indexes and I provide the exact index symbols in the course Unfortunately I can t tell you if other data providers offer those symbols or not, so please contact your data provider with that question hey - if you want to be an intermediate trader you NEED to get high level data for your chartspletion of Foundations Courses 1 and 2 is a pre-requisite for taking this course since it builds on trading setups, indicators and chart patterns presented in those courses the Intermediate Swing Trading Course is not a pre-requisite for taking this course. INTERACTIVE QUIZ AT THE END OF THE COURSE. Remember the interactive quiz at the end of each of the lessons in my 5-day free course. I received so many requests to include that type of quiz in my regular courses, that I decided to go ahead and do it for you. INSURE YOUR KNOWLEDGE. 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You can reach the support team during normal office hours 9-6pm Monday to Friday Of course we understand that these times don t suit everyone - so calls outside of these times can be booked by prior arrangement by emailing DTTPhotlineyahoo co uk or calling any of the support numbers during normal office hours to agree the out of hours callback. Of course if you wish to contact any member of the support team by email just scroll down and click on the contact link that is by their profile. Zerodha trading platform review - Open A Trading Account tropiclane. Zerodha trading platform review binary option broker review franco. 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His moneymaking style was about mammoth home runs and many smaller strikeouts If there was a secret, he knew that you had to be able to accept losses both psychologically and physiologically Still, 1986 was a long time ago, and memories dull when an old pro starts talking about the benefits of taking losses During his heyday in the 1970s, 1980s, and mid-1990s, Dennis was described in a number of ways by those who knew of him There was Dennis the legendary floor trader, Dennis the trading system s trading guru, Dennis who started funds with investment bank Drexel Burnham, Dennis the philanthropist, Dennis the political activist, and Dennis the industry-leading money manager 3 He was a difficult man to stereotype, and he liked it that way. Dennis the gambler was the only label that offended him, because he never considered himself a gambler in the Las Vegas sense He understood financial Darwinism read odds through and through He always played the game knowing that everyone else was out to beat him Financial futures pioneer Richard Sandor put Dennis in perspective The name of the game is survival when the markets are this chaotic From that perspective, he may go down as one of the most successful speculators in the 20th century. Dennis s success started long before he launched the Turtle experiment He grew up in Chicago during the 1950s, a street kid from the old South Side neighborhoods There was no privileged childhood with wealthy parents and well-placed friends He did not have a silver spoon or the right connections. The teenage Dennis was introverted and wore thick glasses and polyester pants His first stab at trading, while attending the all-boys St Laurence Prep School in Chicago, was to buy ten shares of a 3 phonogr aph stock The company folded While his first attempt at trading failed, he was a natural at poker, intuitively understanding the odds. His teachers did not forget him James Sherman, who taught theology and European history to Dennis, said that he never would take anything at face value Dennis and his friends enjoyed the mental gymnastics of taking sides in an argument Sherman added, If some - body had said back then that Richard Dennis would become a very wealthy man as a commodity trader, I probably wouldn t have believed them His former teacher would have predicted Dennis to be in front of the fire, with a sweater and a pipe, expounding on the cosmos. At seventeen, Dennis landed a summer job as a runner 1 60 an hour at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange Each day the exchange floor was mobbed by hundreds of traders fighting and screaming to place their trades They were exactly like auctioneers buying and sell - ing their wares except that they were in a trading pit battling it out An indoo r game of tackle football would be a good description of the scene Dennis longed to be there, but to trade on the floor you had to be twenty-one He found a way over that hurdle by talking his father into trading for him A blue-collar worker for Chicago s city government, the father became a proxy guided by his son s hand signals from the sidelines Despite some trading success in his teens, Dennis headed off to college at DePaul University, where his passion for philosophy after flunking out of an accounting class from high school days was re - kindled He was most taken with British philosophers David Hume and John Locke, who had a relatively simple way of viewing the world Prove it to me was their basic perspective. Hume thought the mind a blank slate tabula rasa on which experience could be written He believed that since human beings live and function in the world, they should try to observe how they do so Dis - covering the causes of human belief was his key principle 6 Locke, on the other hand, argued that there were no innate ideas He asked the question, How is the mind furnished He wanted to know where reason and knowledge came from His answer was one word experience. Both Hume and Locke belonged to the school of thought known as Empiricism Empiricism is rooted in the notion that knowledge is derived from experiment, observation, and experience Little nuggets of simple common sense from these two eighteenth-century British philosophers connected with an impressionable college student They became his idols Dennis was not shy about his leanings, asserting, I m an empiricist, through and through David Hume and Bertrand Russell I m solidly in the English tradition Dennis saw Hume as ruthlessly skeptical Hume took on the sacred cows of his generation, and Dennis loved that attitude. It wasn t only British philosophy that turned Dennis into a skeptic Growing up in the late 1960s and early 1970s gave him an anti - establishment view of the world He witnessed protesters b eing beaten by the Chicago police during the 1968 riots, right next to the venerable Chicago Board of Trade It was a turning point in his life. Trading has taught me not to take the conventional wisdom for granted What money I made in trading is testimony to the fact that the majority is wrong a lot of the time The vast majority is wrong even more of the time I ve learned that markets, which are often just mad crowds, are often irrational when emotionally overwrought, they re almost always wrong. After graduating from DePaul University he received a fellowship to Tulane University graduate school, but promptly dropped out and returned to Chicago within days to start trading full time Dennis bought a seat on the MidAmerican Commodity Exchange with money borrowed from his parents part of it from a life insurance policy in his name He still needed cash to trade, however His initial war chest of 100 came from his brother Tom s earnings delivering pizzas. This was not a family of market operat ors Dennis was always honest about his father s hatred of the market, explaining, My grandfather had lost all his money in the stock market in the Depression The urge to speculate kind of skipped a generation He knew his father s per - spective would never work for him. You can t have a standard attitude about money and do well in this business What do I mean by that Well, my father, for in - stance, worked for the city of Chicago for 30 years, and he once had a job shoveling coal So, just imagine coming from his frame of reference, and thinking about losing 50 in a few seconds trading commodities To him, that means another eight hours shoveling coal That s a standard attitude about money. It didn t take long for his father to recognize Dennis s unique abilities to make money By the beginning of 1973, at twenty-four, Dennis had made 100,000 Around that time he cockily preached to the Chicago papers, I just wanted to be able to get up and say, I once made 100,000 a year, and I still think you are an ass That rhetoric may not be wholesome motivation, but I do think it s part of what drives me 10 He was making so much money fast that whatever the context or content of an interview, it was outdated in weeks or even days. A rebel at heart, Dennis cultivated being a character from the outset He was fond of saying that he never liked the idea of sharing a birthday with Richard Nixon a gentle stab at all those conservative traders surrounding him in the pits on LaSalle Street He was an anti-establishment guy making a fortune leveraging the establishment, while wearing jeans. Society was splintered during the time Dennis earned his first big money Nineteen seventy-four was a difficult year in which to focus What with G Gordon Liddy having been found guilty of Watergate charges and the Symbionese Liberation Army kidnapping Patricia Hearst, it was a wild time of constant turmoil To top it off, Richard Nixon became the first President of the United States to resign from office Curr ent events did not stop Dennis from leveraging a 1974 run-up in the price of soybeans to a 500,000 profit By the end of the year, at age twenty-five, he was a millionaire 11 Even though he downplayed his success, he couldn t hide it When he showed up late one day to the soybean pit explaining that his beat-up 1967 Chevy had broken down, other traders gave him flack, knowing full well he could afford a new car hundreds of times over. Not only was his persona different, his trading was different Dennis read Psychology Today no government economic or crop reports for him to keep his emotions in check and to remind him of how over - rated intuition was in trading He took delight in boasting, in contrast to most traders who got up early to read all they could from weather reports to daily Department of Agriculture assessments, that he stayed in bed until the last minute before getting to the exchange just as trading started At one point during this time, Dennis was in the middle of an interv iew with a reporter as he went to the bank to make a deposit He was depositing a 325,000 check in 1976, that represented two to three weeks of work for him Depositing an amount like that in the mid-1970s was not normal Dennis always got hassled when he tried to deposit checks that size 13 He was oblivious to the fact that that the teller was looking at a check that likely would exceed her total career earnings Yet Dennis, probably younger than she was, couldn t sign his name straight. As his notoriety continued to grow, national newspapers like the Chicago Tribune, the New York Times, and Barron s trumpeted his youth and success This was not standard operating procedure in a tight-lipped world where the big Chicago traders typically kept silent. Dennis enjoyed and even reveled in his upbringing and the unique perspective it afforded him. I grew up in an Irish-Catholic family on the South Side of Chicago My institutional values were very strong, if somewhat con - fused My holy trinity cons isted of the Catholic Church, the Democratic Party, and the Chicago White Sox I would describe my early value system as nourishing, if limited When my father took me to Hurley s Tavern, I saw people falling off their bar stools about what you d expect from people who called whiskey Irish pop. The Church, baseball, Democratic politics, and Irish drinking weren t only an influence on his youth. How much of my holy trinity informs me as an adult In the White Sox I have a deep and abiding faith In the Democratic Party I have shallow and fading faith, which is almost never re - warded In the church, well I fear 16 years of Catholic education left me a skeptic. Look at that 1976 New York Times photo of the then twenty-six - year-old multimillionaire, lounging on the couch with his dad seated to his left, seemingly oblivious to the photographer, and it is easy to see anti-establishment staring into the camera The photo caption only reinforced Dennis s differences He drives an old, inexpensive ca r, he dresses in cheap knits his money tends to pile up, unused However, all this press at such a young age left Dennis confronted by something he probably wasn t expecting people with their hands out, asking for money Most of them were very sad, he recalled One person said, Help me to learn how to trade I m in debt Some people made it sound as if 5,000 or 10,000 were all they needed to make them happy Those were the only letters worth answering to explain that money won t really make a difference. Not many twenty-six-year-olds would have been mature enough to handle the press using such folksy wisdom Yet Dennis never let the swirl around him interfere with what he was doing to make money Quite simply, his trading technique was to trade seasonal spreads In other words, he wanted to take advantage of seasonal patterns in markets like soybeans his initial specialty Dennis would hold long bets to profit as the market increased and short bets to profit as the market decreased positions in f utures contracts simultaneously in the same or related futures markets. The MidAm Exchange Experience. Once he had his MidAm seat formerly called the Chicago Open Board , Dennis was off and running Initially he had no clue what he was doing, but he was a fast learner who learned to think like a casino operator When I started out, I had a system called having no idea whatsoever For four years, I was just taking edges If someone was giving me a quarter cent edge to buy an Oat contract, I didn t think he knew anything either I just knew that I was getting a quarter cent edge, and at the end of the day, the edges would approximately equal my profit Obviously, on an individual basis that doesn t have to happen, but over a longer period of time, it will I tried to be like the house in the casino It wasn t that novel People at the Board of Trade had been doing it forever But for the MidAm, it was kind of revolutionary because no one would understand that you could balance your risk with a lot o f volume That s how I started 18 Dennis went from zero to sixty on the MidAm in record time, and no one knew how he learned to do what he was doing He knew that traders had a tendency to self-destruct The battle with self was where he focused his energies I think it s far more important to know what Freud thinks about death wishes than what Milton Friedman thinks about deficit spending 19 Go down to Wall Street today after work with the hot-shot traders all earning 500,000 a year at the big banks and you ll find very few who talk about Freud being the ticket to making millions. However, trading was harder than Dennis let on The early ups and downs took a toll on him, but he learned the hard lessons within months You have to have mentally gone through the process of failure, he said I had a day during which I made every mistake known to modern man I took too big risks I panicked and sold at the bottom of every break I had built my net worth up to about 4,000 coming into that day and I lo st about 1,000 in two hours It took me about three days to work through that experience emotionally, and I think it was the best thing that ever happened to me 20 It was about this time, in 1972 73, that fellow traders Tom Willis and Robert Moss met Dennis They would go on to work together for years as close friends and business associates, with Dennis as their leader The star did not wear a polished Armani suit, nor did his bud - dies They sported used-car-salesman jackets, with muttonchops and bad hair, but their appearance disguised calculated gamers looking to beat the pants off their peers every day of the week Willis, like Dennis, was brought up in a working-class family His father, who worked first as a milkman and then delivering bread, helped him buy a seat on the MidAm for 1,000 at age twenty-one Willis had never heard of the exchange until he saw an article in the Chicago Tribune with the headline Altruistic Grain Trader Successful It was about 221 2-year-old Richard Dennis. Willis immediately identified with his peer s anti-establishment way of viewing the world Dennis was not afraid to say that he had voted for Eugene McCarthy and didn t think that just because he had radical ideas he should be driving a cab Years later, Dennis was even more direct, saying that the market was a legal and moral way to make a living Being a trader doesn t oblige one to be a conservative. Yet Dennis s political stance was not what first caught Willis s attention it was his attitude about making money in a world where class and distinction were always barriers to entry Without a second thought, Willis hopped in his Jeep and drove to the Fisher Building in the Chicago Loop to check out the exchange When he arrived at the MidAm for the first time, his soon-to-be role model dominated the landscape Rich was in the pit I knew him by the photo from the Tribune Willis started trading with his MidAm seat, but had no immediate contact with Dennis even though they were the two youngest traders in the pit Nearly everybody else was sixty-five to eighty years old, and they actually had chairs and spittoons in the trading pit A young Dennis, towering above a sea of old guys lounging on chairs, must have been a sight Situated only a few blocks from the Chicago Board of Trade, the MidAm was a bit player at the time It was small, perhaps fifteen hundred square feet While Willis didn t know how his start at the MidAm would unfold he ended up building a thirty-plus-year trading career , he was certain Dennis saw a much bigger future. Even then, big wigs from the Chicago Mercantile Exchange CME were coming over in their limos to pick young Dennis s mind Ultimately, Dennis approached Willis most likely because he was good enough not to go broke and because they were both about the same age Dennis told Willis, If you re buying wheat and it s strong and the beans are too low and the wheat is five higher, why don t you sell soy - beans instead of selling the wheat you bought It wa s a very sophisticated insight In fact, buying strength and selling weakness short still befuddles investors It is counter-intuitive to buying low and selling high. Dennis was already sharing his knowledge with other traders He was a natural-born teacher Dennis was teaching the young exchange members at either his or Willis s apartment Willis would buy two hundred pieces of chicken and a barrel of potato salad There were fifty or sixty guys in his one-bedroom apartment with Dennis holding court, explaining how to trade There was a practical need for this The MidAm was selling new memberships to all kinds of traders, many with no experience Dennis and Willis were teaching liquidity To give the market confidence in the viability of the MidAm exchange, there had to be a critical mass of buyers and sellers This culture of education was creating a better ex - change with better traders And those better traders were starting to make money It could all be traced to Dennis. Craig and Gary Lacros se, Ira Shyman, John Grace, Wayne Elliott, Robert Tallian, and David Ware are all Chicago traders who learned from Dennis While they may not be household names, they became hugely successful in part because of the generosity of the young Dennis, who felt no compunction about sharing his skills with others After the apartment-training sessions everyone would go home, and they would meet the next day in the pits During market hours they would ask Dennis, Is this what you meant and he d say, Yeah Dennis freely gave away his knowledge. The Chicago Board of Trade. Great experiences and profits aside, it wasn t long before Dennis needed a bigger playing field than the minor-league MidAm He was already plotting how to beat the big boys at the Chicago Board of Trade CBOT , the world s largest futures exchange Once at the CBOT, his placid demeanor contrasted sharply with the hoarse shouts and wild gestures of other floor traders, many of whom were millionaire traders with decades of experience He was soon beating them at their own game with a betting style that was often so relaxed that his trading cards would literally slip out of his hand onto the floor. Dennis s move to the CBOT was historic Willis could hardly be - lieve it Richard goes to the Board of Trade and knocks the cover off the ball They ve never seen anything like this I mean this kid takes the whole pit off Not because he can or not because he wants to show off, but corn is up, beans are up two and the corn is down three and they sell him a million bushels of soybeans up one and a half and the next thing you know they close up seven and they re talking about him, Who s this new kid Willis refrained from divulging the names of old-timers that Dennis was beating the pants off when he first hit the CBOT, since many of those losing traders are still around today. One of Dennis s students said that their teacher believed his physical attributes to be behind his pit-trading success You ever heard why he considered himse lf really successful He is six feet something and the size of a freight train He could see over people and more importantly, people could see him People always knew that he was there He honestly felt that s why he was successful. Dennis s attributing his height and weight as the reason he was successful is not the full story There was more to becoming a millionaire by twenty-five than being six foot something and three hundred pounds plus Even with excess weight, his peers described him as having cat-quick reflexes on the trading floor. The Move from the Pit. Trading on the floor, down in the pit, might have been exciting during this era, but today the Chicago Board of Trade floor is silent That doesn t mean trading is dead today far from it Electronic trading out - dated the old ways faster than anyone ever thought could happen However invigorating the trading floor may have been in the 1970s, the only way for Dennis to expand his trading success was to move away from it The Chicago trad ing floors were designed with multiple pits and each pit traded a different market To trade more than one market, he had to physically move back and forth across the floor to the various pits. Dennis s solution allowed him to remain faithful to buying in strength and selling in weakness He knew that if his system worked in soybeans and corn, then it would also work in gold and stocks and all other markets At the same time, he saw Wall Street changing, with new markets appearing fast and furiously as economies around the world opened and expanded Fixed income futures were launched, and by 1975 the Inter - national Monetary Market IMM was allowing anyone to trade currencies the way they did stocks Dennis knew what this would all mean To trade in that bigger world, Dennis moved into an office on the twenty-third floor of the CBOT, leaving the turmoil of screaming traders behind Concurrent with his move, in November 1975, Dennis and Larry Carroll formed a partnership Known simply by the fir st initial of their last names, C D Commodities was born. There is little public information on Larry Carroll they did meet on the MidAm floor And, although Dennis s D came second, theirs was not a partnership where the decisions and profits were split fifty - fifty Dennis was always the man Within short order, C D Commodities became one of the largest independent trading firms in the world They quickly rivaled such established institutional investors as Salomon Brothers and the Pillsbury Company. However, other traders who had seen him dominate the pits were shocked when Dennis left the floor They thought he was crazy To compete against the likes of Pillsbury and Salomon Brothers was considered suicide, because no one thought he could maintain that floor edge Dennis himself had always said the pit was the safest place to be The transition did almost sink Dennis When he went off floor, he struggled In the late 1970s, the markets were getting to him Tom Wil - lis saw the struggle and reca lled, He was a little disillusioned, a little off balance frankly Both men went out to a bar to discuss the situation Dennis was not throwing in the towel He looked at Willis and said, Tom, I got stuff that s so good that used off floor in the right hands it would make 50 million a year. In today s terms, this would be like someone saying he has a way of trading that s so good he can make 200 million a year Or think of some number that is fifty times more than is rationally achievable by any normal measure With anyone else, Willis would have been skeptical If I didn t know Rich I would have said, Gee, he really does sound a little more off balance than I m even thinking Saying 50 million in 1979 is a crazy thing to do, but I believed it And he did it If an edge is good or the idea is good, let s get in front of the screen and trade them all If it s that good, let s get in front of the screen and have 20 people do this As a matter of fact, it s very, very consistent to expanding geometri cally the ability to take advantage of this good idea. The goal of trading every market he could and making more money in the process was reached within a year, just as Dennis had predicted Yet making that much more money didn t change him one bit His new office was not marble and glass The outside hallway to the office had dingy brown paneling On his office door was C D Commodities, Richard J Dennis and Company No flash The men s room for the floor was next door. Martin Hare, a nephew of Larry Carroll s, was sixteen and in high school when he was working for Dennis Now an executive with Merrill Lynch in San Diego, he worked in Dennis s unconventional office environment from 1982 to 1989 Hare still gets enthusiastic when he thinks about his after-school job I cut out the Wall Street settlement prices for three summers My weekly salary at C D was 120 That was up from 90 the summer before The C D office was royal blue in color There was a sleeping room for those that needed to nap, mostly for Rich, and a refrigerator full of the best beer. Dennis may have physically disappeared from the trading floor, but the hermit-like trading wizard hovered over the markets like Zeus Everyone knew he was there when a huge order came into the pits Traders also knew not to get in front of his orders, or they could be potentially wiped out Critics and regulators at times thought he was too big and moved markets unfairly Dennis scoffed, Sour grapes. The criticisms were an excuse for people who had learned to lose Dennis had no patience for people targeting his success I cringe a little when I m identified as a millionaire, Dennis said after reading that his 250,000 contribution to Adlai Stevenson was the largest individual political gift ever in Illinois If somebody just had 100,000, he wouldn t be called a thousandaire, and if a pauper gave a dollar, they wouldn t say, Pauper gives his last buck Although he grew wealthier by the day, he still kept an antinuclear poster hanging in his offi ce and remained outside the chummy atmo - sphere of the exchanges He was not prone to travel in the limelight We don t have much contact with him, remarked one Board of Trade player. While his peers collected vintage cars and mansions, Dennis kept wearing those out-of-date polyester pants hiked over an ever-expanding waist He exercised by eating cheap hamburgers at noisy grills Dennis in a short-sleeved shirt, no tie, religiously pouring over arcane base - ball statistics from the Baseball Abstract, was a common sight In fact, he would eventually buy a piece of the White Sox baseball team Once he was an owner, his 1980s attempt to get White Sox management to see the benefits of Bill James style Moneyball fell on deaf ears One of his students, Michael Shannon, watched his friends try to dress him up by moving him from his South Side studio apartment, and recalled, Bill Eckhardt and others actually forced him to move into something that was a little bit more parallel to his station. Money for Dennis was just a way to keep score in the game He was frank about it Trading is a little bit like hitting a ball If you re thinking what your batting average should be, you re not concentrating on the right thing when you bat the ball Dollars are the batting average of the trader This original thinker and big-time baseball fan left a visual image on everyone Several confidantes talked about Dennis s socks One of his students smiled, You need to make sure he s wearing a matched pair of the same color. Bradley Rotter, a former West Point graduate and often called Dennis s first investor, witnessed his eccentricity I was at his house for a Fourth of July tennis party and Richard Dennis couldn t be found at the end of the party he came out of his house wearing a white tennis shirt, white tennis shorts, and black shoes and black socks I ll never forget that picture Rotter was not mocking Dennis He respected Dennis s testicular fortitude to trade trends no matter what In baseball, testic ular fortitude means everyone can talk about the game, but if you re going to get into the game, you must swing the bat Dennis swung and swung hard No singles His was Babe Ruth, home-run, swing-for-the-fences-style moneymaking. However, the Babe Ruth of trading was near oblivious to the basics of everyday life Mail and personal bills were handled by C D s back office because of his inattention His office would even send over toilet paper to his apartment The weight room in his Gold Coast condo was virtually unused I pat the weights once in a while said Dennis 26 He enjoyed using a third of his time to do absolutely nothing Another Dennis student, Erle Keefer, went beyond his eccentricities Rich is probably the greatest trigger puller that I personally have ever known he has the ability under tremendous pressure to stand there with his own money and pull the trigger when other people wilted And when he was wrong, he could turn on a dime That s amazing that s not trading, that s genetic T he genetic line was debatable after all, that was the point of his Turtle experiment. Dennis s success eventually caused more serious problems In the mid - 1980s, critics accused him of strong-arming the market They blamed him for too much market volatility Words like collusion were thrown around Dennis was not buying it He said, One man s volatility is another man s profit When Dennis was a guest on a radio show in 1984, a caller assured him that if he traded long enough, he would give it all back You could feel the anger Some people simply did not want to hear about a young guy making millions Even though everyone knew exchanges needed speculators, too many people didn t want those same risk-takers to make a profit Dennis himself appeared before Congress as they investigated the efficiency of the markets unable to define what that phrase meant His detractors were silenced after government regulators testified that the total buying and selling by Dennis did not breach exchange limits. S oon, Dennis would join the political fight at a whole new level He became one of the largest Democratic donors in the country, often focusing his generosity on standard politicians and assorted underdogs From donating millions to battered women s shelters to the decriminalization of marijuana, causes without wide publicity appealed to him he would give away 10 percent of his earnings every year While calling himself a liberal libertarian, he once donated 1,000 to former Black Panther Bobby Rush. Dennis did more than just write checks He became good friends with Bill Bradley and supported Walter Mondale 1984 and Bruce Babbitt 1988 for President He lobbied hard against conservative stalwart Robert Bork There was a rational justification in Dennis s mind for his political ideals If it s something everyone hates but you think is right, those are the important things to do because no one else is going to do them. However, becoming a successful politician on the basis of supporting the have-no ts of society was not as easy as trading to make millions It wasn t enough merely to fund his causes Dennis also wanted to work them, and immediately ran into roadblocks Politics was not a zero-sum game, and he got frustrated Politicians, at worse, are mind - less replicas of what their constituents think People don t want to hear painful truths. When invited to participate in the diplomatic dances that made up Washington politics, he stepped on toes, and seldom refrained from voicing his opinions Former Federal Reserve chairman Paul Volcker was once introduced to Dennis He told Dennis that he didn t like those casinos you have out there in Chicago Dennis was well aware that he was being indulged because he was rich and would be listened to only if he had something significant to say Soon after he founded his new 1982 think tank, the Roosevelt Center for American Policy Studies in Washington, D C it began to flounder. Washington was a tough market no matter how many millions you had And now Democrats were frustrating him, too He said, My principal irritation with liberals in general they don t understand how it can possibly be true that you make the poor richer by making every - one richer I don t understand that they don t even consider that possibility The problem in a political world was that Dennis couldn t work the floors of Congress the way he had the Chicago trading floors It was one thing to own one of the six original copies of the U S Constitution which he did and an entirely different thing to try to influence modern political leaders He was impatient. Ultimately, over time he would become a board member of the libertarian Cato Institute, serving with such notable peers as John C Malone, chairman, Liberty Media Corporation, and Frederick W Smith, chairman and CEO, FedEx Corporation He also joined the board of the Reason Foundation, another libertarian think tank Dennis s political forays were never easy One political critic of his thought Dennis was a bully because he didn t adjust his thinking to accommodate others 33 Dennis saw that criticism as coming from a typical Washington careerist being afraid to rock the boat. His stance on the decriminalization of narcotics best illustrated what made him tick He knew the drug czar of the day, Bill Bennett, would never defeat drug violence with his just say no approach Dennis thought people should be allowed to do what they wanted to do, even if they injured themselves, as long as they did not hurt others He commented. The drug war violates the Golden Rule of doing unto others as you would have them do unto you None of us is free of vice or temptation Does any one of us really want to be jailed for our moral shortcomings If our teenaged child is arrested for drug possession a distinct possibility, since 54 percent of teenagers admit trying illicit drugs do we really want him or her sent to prison for falling victim to the curiosity of youth. Here was a man making millions in the pits by winning as much money from others as possible, but at the same he was clearly worried about others well being He was a mass of contradictions. Dennis had some severe down periods before that banner year of 1986 Perhaps his political ambitions had caused a loss of focus Adding to his responsibility, by this time he had moved beyond trading only his own money He was trading for others, and managing their money was not his strongest suit He said, It s drastically more work to lose other people s money It s tough I go home and worry about it. This was not what his clients wanted to hear In 1983, when his as - sets under management peaked at over 25 million, his accounts for clients hit turbulence After a 53 percent rise in January, accounts dropped 33 percent in February and March That drop was enough to prompt George Soros to yank the 2 million he had invested with Dennis only two months earlier After a partial rebound in April and May, Dennis s funds dived another 50 percent in value His 1983-era com puter that cost 150,000 did little to console nervous clients It took many of his investors more than two years to get back to even with their investment Most didn t stick around, and Dennis closed down some accounts in 1984 He rebated all management fees to losing accounts and conceded that trading client money as aggressively as his own money was not something clients could psychologically handle 36 What did that aggression look like on a month - by-month basis. Dennis was famous for those big returns, and that was what his clients wanted to become rich like Rich They got on board knowing full well the voyage would get rocky, but conveniently forgot that fact when rough sailing made them seasick At the first sign of troubled waters, when they were puking losses, they cut short the voyage and blamed Dennis He was learning the hard way about people s irrational expectations. In 2005, Dennis looked back on his troubled times in the fund management arena. I think the problem is that a money manager very rarely ever sits down with the person whose money it is There s always a representative of a firm of a firm of a firm When you have customer money, you generally try to please the people who want pass - able, whereas you might be able to explain it to the ultimate end user whose money it is that this might look brutal, but we re trying for something spectacular. However, at that time in 1983, Dennis needed a way out of the customer rat race He wanted to divert even more attention to big-picture strategies, from philosophizing to an even greater focus on decriminalization of pot to anything but being beholden to impatient and uninformed clients. In many ways his Turtle teaching experiment was his second act, and he knew it He said, You shouldn t, I suppose, live in your trading children s reflective glory, but I am I think training the Turtles is the single best thing I ve done in commodities 38 Yet there was no way he could have known at the time that the single best thing he would do would change his life and the history of speculative trading in ways never imagined Glory and legend aside, in 1983, with a clear plate, Dennis s most immediate task was to select his Turtle students from the thousands who responded to his want ad. I dont think trading strategies are as vulnerable to not working if people know about them, as most traders believe If what you are doing is right, it will work even if people have a general idea about it I always say you could publish rules in a newspaper and no one would follow them The key is consistency and discipline. EOD Trading - For those who work all day. I m hoping this will be ok with the tradimo admin s I have been tradinglearning to trade for 6 years now and at the beginning of last year finally realised what I was doing tradimo wasn t here to help me I work for a living and look for trade setups at the end of each day. last edited Jan 28 2013 2 28 pm by MBranjo. I ll post up some screenshots with explanations when I get home but the basic prinicples are here. Quite simply we are looking for pin bar reversals on the daily timeframe It s important that your charts close the daily candle at 1700hrs New York time If they don t then please find some charts that do I know that my charts do but I don t think they re affiliated with tradimo so you might have to do some digging to find suitable charts. The pin bar must be rejecting a key SR level, dynamic SR Generated by the 8 sellers enter and institutional investors have broker and learn and effort to wikipedia The iron condor is an option trading strategy utilizing two vertical spreads a put spread and a call spread with the same expiration and four different strikesbining any of the four basic kinds of option trades possibly with different exercise prices and maturities and the. When one has to invest online there is no sure-shot formula to making huge profits However, a good trading strategy and adequate market analysis increase the chances of making profits Through the forex market, traders and investors can purchase the foreign currency with the purpose of trading Traders are entitled to buy currency at a particular price if market prices drop below the specified price Traders must choose an appropriate time for forex trading New and inexperienced traders must ideally consult a broker to select the appropriate trading mode It is advisable to select a broker who has relevant past experience It is preferable to consult a broker that is recommended by trusted sources such as friends and family. Inexperienced traders are prone to making wrong market assessments They lack appropriate knowledge of fluctuating market trends and price volatility Volatility measures the rate and magnitude of fluctuating currency prices The premium on the option is directly proportional to volatility A variety of analysis software is also available these days Traders can set search criteria, showing both high historical volatility and high-implied volatility Good software saves lot of time and is precise. There is a variety of trading options available in the market However, it is very important to understand risk factors associated with them before opting for a particular choice A number of individuals trade in forex Most of them are often attracted to this form of trading in the hope of making large profits However, this is a very risky form of trading Even factors such as weather, can greatly influence the supply or demand of a commodity A large number of traders who have adequate experience in the forex invest online front are expected to make more profits. Forex is generally purchased when the investor believes that the price of a particular currency is likely to rise, and may profit if prices shoot up The market is highly unstable, and individual and inexperienced investors must avoid trading impulsively in this market The need to invest wisely is of paramount importance because exchange rates fluctuate randomly Furthermore, nothing can be predicted about foreign currency exchange rates There are way too many factors that influence fluctuations, so much so that even a slight anticipation of something can cause the market to act differently and foreign exchange valuation is affected. When one chooses to invest online, there are many investment choices Whether it s stocks, commodities futures trading, or forex, the options are many The one constant in all of this is the unknown risk factor involved Commodity refers to a good that can be sold and or produced by various companies Commodity futures are contracts to buy or sell goods at fixed prices at a fixed time in the future In forex trading there s no lockdown on a future date, and one can buy or sell as desired If you choose to invest online, it s very important to get information beforehand rather than decide on the moment There s a lot at stake when you have no understanding of the market and think of forex trading as something that s entirely dependent on luck. Covered calls are involved in a strategy that combines a long stock position and a short call option. The call options are sold in equal amounts against the long underlying shares The strike price and expiration date of the calls can be chosen based on investment objective, market view and risk appetite. When you write a call against a long stock position it serves two purposes It can generate income and it can provide some downside protection. For example you purchase 100 shares of Microsoft for 25 per share, and you sell one call option for 5 per contract at a strike price of 30.Lets look at the outcomes. The underlying moves higher than the strike price In this case, your option will be assigned Meaning youll be obligated to sell your 100 shares at 30.But remember that you collected a premium of 5 per share for selling the covered call So effectively, youve sold your stock at 35 per share Subtract your initial price of the stock from the premium of the strike collected to give you your profit. W hat else can happen. The underlying stock could remain stable at 25 a share Here, you keep the shares, and keep the premium. So, your adjusted basis for your next covered call write is the original price paid for the stock minus the amount of money you collected 5 for the call option Which is a substantial gain. Lastly the underlying stock can move lower than your strike price. This moves you into protection mode The amount of protection is equal to you premium collected when you put on the position So youve effectively lowered your cost basis on the stock by the amount of the premium. Overall, covered calls can be a great way to reduce your overall risk when investing in common stocks, and generate some income to boot. This is precisely why covered call are used so extensively by both amateur and professional investors. Best Options Brokers. Fees are worth considering no matter what type of trading you do, but this is especially true for options trading Most brokers require you to pay a base fee, in addition to a per-contract rate Some companies, like optionsXpress, only charge a per-contract rate The catch is that fee is higher and there s also a required minimum OptionsHouse charges some of the lowest fees around, so they re the best bet for high-volume traders. Trading and analysis tools help you identify and execute options trades Many brokers have proprietary tools, so you need to do some research to figure out which company has the resources you re interested in Another thing to look out for is how quickly you can enter orders in the trading platform It s critical to choose a company that makes this process fast and easy All companies on this list do well in this area, so it s a matter of individual preference and finding the tools that best align with your goals and strategies. Access to advanced research is critical for identifying the best options trades Research can come in many forms, including company publications, market commentary from industry experts, and dai ly market news Some brokers also offer more advanced research for those willing to pay an additional fee TD Ameritrade stands out from the list by offering some of the most comprehensive research materials, including free third-party research reports. The Bottom Line. All three brokers on this list are excellent choices for options traders, but our recommendation is OptionsHouse, due to their affordable rates and advanced trading tools However, it s all depends on your priorities For example, if access to high-quality research is a top priority for you, TD Ameritrade may be a better fit than OptionsHouse. How to Use the Envelope Indicator in Forex. In this article, we will examine how to trade with the moving average envelopes We will talk about what moving average envelopes are, how they are derived or calculated as well as how they can be used for trading which is basically as a trend seeking indicator. A moving average envelope is an indicator which is based on a simple or exponential mo ving average, and sets bands based on a set percentage deviation, thus creating envelopes These envelopes can then be used in two forms. a The envelopes can be used to determine what the trend of the currency pair is when the market is trending. b In cases where the market is range-bound, the moving average envelope indicator can also be used to indicate when a currency pair is oversold or overbought, just the way a momentum oscillator would. In a typical chart which displays the envelope indicator, we will see a chart of a currency pair with a particular moving average as its base the middle band The upper band is then set at a particular percentage above the moving average and the lower band is set at a particular percentage below the moving average This is almost similar to the Bollinger band indicator where the middle band is represented by the 20-day simple moving average, with an upper and lower band on the corresponding sides of the SMA. CALCULATING MOVING AVERAGE ENVELOPES. So how a re moving average envelopes calculated The following parameters are used to determine how envelopes are derived or calculated. a Moving Average Settings. A component of the envelope indicator is the moving average However, the trader must determine what kind of moving average should be used in the indicator parameter settings Commonly, the simple moving averages and the exponential moving averages are the two moving averages widely used in envelope trading The trader therefore must decide on whether to use the simple moving averages or the exponential moving averages in a particular trade situation When making a determination of whether to use simple or exponential moving averages in the calculation, it is pertinent to weigh the pros and cons of the two types of moving averages. As a rule, exponential moving averages tend to give greater weight to recent prices while simple moving averages give greater weight to all prices recent and historical within the period chosen in the moving avera ge Exponential moving averages are thus better suited to currency pairs that are extremely volatile or when the trader has a short term view to the trade. We must understand that the simple moving average and exponential moving average envelopes are not usually used on the same chart at the same time You must use either one or the other depending on what terms of trade you want to use. In summary, use a simple moving average in the envelope indicator when. The currency pair is not too volatile. A long term trade focus is in view. Use an exponential moving average in the envelope indicator settings when. The currency pair is volatile a volatility indicator may be of help in this regard. The trade is going to be for the short term. b Time Period Settings. Another component of the envelope indicator is the time period on which the moving averages are based Recall that when reference is made to a moving average, we talk of 20SMA or 50 EMA The numerical component is the time period, and the trader m ust also determine the best time period on which the moving averages will be based In other words, how many days should be set in the moving average component of the envelope indicator What time period should a trader set for his moving average. Again this will depend on the length of time that the trader wants to hold the position for A trader who simply wants to trade by getting in and out of the positions at the shortest possible time would be better off using smaller time periods in his moving average calculation In contrast, a trader who has more of an investment mindset, aiming to ride out the short term storms in order to reap a big pay day months or years down the road, would be better off using a longer time period. c Percentage Deviation of Envelope Bands. How wide should the envelope bands be It is a real tricky business when it comes to setting the percentage deviation of the envelopes from the moving average In order to understand how wide the envelopes should be, it is bette r to appreciate it by looking at it in this context Bollinger bands and price channels each have automatic offsets which make them able to adjust the deviation of their bands to respond to the volatility of the currency pair being traded However, moving average envelopes do not have this function, making them a lot trickier to use in terms of setting the appropriate width for trading Bollinger bands make use of standard deviation to set the deviation of their bands from the moving average Price channels use the average true range ATR to perform the same function Without a standard way of setting the channel widths when using envelopes, the trader would be forced to do this another way One of the methods available is to use historical backtesting to determine what the best settings of the band deviations would be for the moving average envelope. In this chart example, we have used 5 light colour , 25 purple colour and 50 red colour deviations for the envelopes on the chart of the SP500 i ndex on each side of the price action Now we watch to see which of the envelope s bands were touched by the price action of the asset when a historical price movement was considered We can see that the asset did not touch the 50 envelope band red colour , showing us that the envelopes set with 50 deviation were too wide The asset s price action touched the 5 bands light colour on both sides, but did that too often showing that this setting was simply too tight This sort of setting would provide false signals that would lead to a lot of fakeouts The asset also touched the 25 envelope bands purple colour , but did so with just the kind of regularity we were looking for So in this example, the 25 envelope would have been the best setting for the moving average envelope width The same process can be repeated for the currency pairs to be traded, always using historical price behavior to determine what width settings would suit the trade. USING THE MOVING AVERAGE ENVELOPE INDICATOR TO TRADE. S o now that we have demystified how to devise the correct indicator settings to use in the indicator, the next question is how do we use the moving average envelope indicator to trade currencies in the forex market. a TREND IDENTIFICATION. As identified earlier in this article, one of the ways that the moving average envelope indicator is deployed is in determining the start of a new trend This is where the behaviour of the price action relative to the bands of the moving average envelope come in very handy If the price of the currency pair breaks above the upper envelope, then this is considered to be a bullish breakout and the trader would then have to trade the asset according to the principles we have outlined in this blog on trading breakouts of price resistance So even if there is a pullback, this pullback would be to the upper envelope that has just been broken and the currency pair is expected to bounce off this upper trend line and continue higher, as the upper band will no longe r function as a resistance but as a support. Conversely, if the price of the currency pair breaks below the lower band of the envelope indicator, then it means that a downside break has occurred Even if there is a short term pullback in the nearest future, this will usually be rejected at the lower envelope band now acting as a resistance and the currency pair is then expected to keep heading lower from there. For these two scenarios to occur, the assumption is that the currency pair is trending So what happens if the currency pair is in a period of consolidation. b TRADE REVERSALS. When it comes to a currency pair whose movement is flat or in consolidation, then a whole new dynamic comes into play This time, if the price action touches the moving average envelope s upper band, then it is a signal that the currency pair is overbought and due for a downside correction. If the price action of the currency pair starts to pierce the lower envelope, then it means that the asset is due for a rebo und as it is presently oversold. Using this information, the trader can then trade within the range of price movement by selling on the upper envelope and buying at the lower envelope band. THE ENVELOPE INDICATOR ON MT4.If you open the MT4 application of Forex4you, you will clearly see the following. a The Envelope indicator is classified as an oscillator So accessing it will demand that the trader clicks Insert Indicators Oscillators Envelope. b Under the parameters in the pop-up box that opens, we can see the settings that need to be adjusted for the moving average envelope indicator to work maximally The key settings are the Period, MA method simple or exponential and the band deviation in. So the trader must know when to use the simple or exponential moving average, what period to use, and the deviation of the bands i e the width distance of the upper and lower envelope bands It is only when the steps that we have described above for deriving the optimum settings for the indicator are f ollowed that the trader can proceed to use the indicator for trading. STEP-BY-STEP TUTORIAL ON TAKING A TRADE WITH THE MOVING AVERAGE ENVELOPE. Okay, so now we are going to demonstrate how to trade with the moving average envelope indicator, starting from how to derive the optimal settings for envelope width, moving average method to be used as well as the time period We will then use these settings and apply them to the envelope indicator, pin the indicator to the chart and then look out for trades that can be taken on the basis of trend break, or trend reversal. Open the chart of the asset you want to trade, and setup the envelope indicator by attaching it to the chart three times Adjust the moving averages depending on whether the market is volatile, or if you want to trade for the short term or the long term See above content for detailed explanations on how to do this. Adjust the deviations of the three moving average envelopes, assigning three different values to each of them Also ad just the colours in such a way that the three envelopes will have three different colours In other words, envelope 1s bands should carry the same colour, and envelope 2 and 3 should also be adjusted likewise See the SP500 chart to see how this should look like when you are done This step is to decide which deviation will best suit the chart. Look at the price action and decide on whether the chart is trending or range-bound If the price action is range-bound, buy on the lower envelope and sell on the upper envelope when the market is oversold or overbought respectively If the market is trending, trade as we have specified for trending markets, which is on the break of the corresponding envelope band. Remember to pay attention to risk management to manage your risk on the trades. In conclusion, we should note the following about using the moving average envelope indicator. a There are two uses of the moving average envelope indicator The first is in determining the new trend of the currency pair, when the currency pair is trending The second is in determining overbought or oversold market conditions with a view to trading market reversals, when the currency pair is consolidating. c At the end of the day, the rewards that accompany the trades are usually worth the effort. The author s views are entirely his or her own. Swing Trading Momentum Stocks. Understanding how to swing trade momentum stocks can dramatically increase trading profits for the trader that is willing to take some risk Momentum trading is one of the riskiest and most aggressive ways to swing trade stocks. HOWEVER with the high risk, comes high rewards, as stocks moving on momentum can make significant moves higher in very short periods of time The key to successful momentum stock trading is to identify momentum stocks that are just making their moves or buy them when they start a pull back on profit taking. Momentum stock trading works on the greater fool theory This means though a stock may be overvalued and soaring based purely on momentum traders jumping in and buying the stock for a ride up, there will be a greater fool in the future that will pay a higher price than you paid for the momentum stock. Naturally, this is an extremely risky way to trade stocks because when they reverse, it can happen very quickly, reversing weeks of gains in only a few days Swing trading trading momentum stocks is all about riding the wave higher and locking in profits as the stocks lose momentum That is the key, locking in profits with a trailing stop. Some traders try to ride momentum stocks lower by shorting the stocks, as the stocks lose momentum and fall sharply But shorting momentum stocks is difficult at best as they do not trade on fundamentals so in theory there is no limit to how high they may trade So its best to either play them from the long side or just avoid them altogether. How Momentum Stock Trading Works. Momentum stocks tend to be the stocks that everyone is talking about and everyone wants t o own They are concentrated in the Tech or Bio-Tech sector of the stock market, primarily on the Nasdaq. They are almost always associated with some new technology or drug that traders and investors are excited about and its future prospects look unlimited For example, recent momentum stocks have included Netflix NASDAQ NFLX and Tesla Motor Corporation NASDAQ TSLA Both of these companies are widely known and are involved in new technological developments that have huge, but unknown future potential for earnings. The one thing you do not want to do is buy them when they are extended on the daily charts This is a recipe to lose money quickly What you want to do is wait for a pullback to support that lasts a few days and buy once the momentum returns. I cannot stress enough how important it is to put in place a trailing stop-loss order in once you buy a momentum stock to protect your trading capital and get out of the trade, if the momentum falters Because as fast as they go up, they fall ev en faster as traders dump the stock to take profits. Assuming the stock continues higher, raise your trailing stop-loss order as the stock rises At this point you have nothing to do except keep an eye on the stock and raise the stop as needed If you have to take profits, sell only a portion The reason being, you never know how high the stock can go This is how you make BIG money in the stock market Having stocks that double, triple or more in value and if you keep taking profits early you will never have those kinds of gains. Once the momentum starts to fade and your stop gets hit, keep a close eye on the stock for another buying opportunity BUT only after a pull back to a support area Just be careful not to give back too much of your gains by trying to catch a falling knife, as when momentum stocks sell off it can be pretty dramatic. How to Find Momentum Stocks. The easiest way to find momentum stocks is to go to finviz or any stock screener and scan for new 52 week highs It is impossible for any momentum stock to not show up because by definition it will be making new highs almost everyday. I wrote a post on a Simple Swing Trading Strategy that will show the scan and what to look for when it pulls back. Of course the easiest way to trade momentum stocks is to just use a professional swing trading service like Microcap Millionaires and Jason Bond Picks and let them find the stocks for you. If Penny Stocks are your thing, then you should definitely check out Microcap Millionaires. You can read all the reviews here. If you are looking to open a brokerage account or looking for a better one, I wrote some reviews of brokers I have used and currently using. Scottrade Review Used when I first started. Regardless of which Stock Picking Service you use or if even if you choose to go it alone, please download my free eBook The 7 Habits of Millionaire Traders. Developing a forex trading strategy. Developing a forex trading strategy that is profitable is something which all traders aspire to design Although it is important to remember that no strategy will give you winning trades 100 of the time, a good strategy will give forex traders a profitable edge in the markets which will be continuously profitable over time With literally hundreds of methods of trading available, many successful traders usually design their own strategy after testing many of the methods which appeal to their own trading personality This is also why it may be possible for one trader to use a particular forex system profitably and another to struggle to find success using exactly the same method They key to this is the fact that some trading systems will suit different styles and types of traders. Following your own trading preferences. One of the most successful ways to develop a trading strategy, or to try to adopt one of the thousands which already exist, is to follow your own preferences and interests This creates an initial filter which will ensure that a method is developed from the start by personal preference and trading style Preferences in forex trading range from the currency pairs that a trader chooses to study, to the types of indicators or price action set-ups that are appealing Although this sounds fairly obvious, many new traders spend a lot of time trying to follow methods which simply is not suited to their future style of trading Examples of this are trading uncomfortably low timeframes or using flashing indicators when your underlying preference has always been price-action candlestick and daily charts. Social networking and forex trading. Some brokers have also allowed social networking to assist traders in finding a suitable trading strategy Forex brokers such as eToro allows its clients to view and follow successful traders Members can display their performance and profitability to other traders and, although many will not disclose their precise strategy, it provides a good way to follow experienced traders and to develop a trading method based on this The s oftware for these trading platforms even allows for automated trading for each and every trade of a followed trader This method of automated trading is unlikely to help develop a trading strategy of your own, and it will tie you to the trading successes of another trader Using a platform such as this, however, will allow traders who are looking to develop strategies based on price action to search and follow the success of likeminded traders and provide a valuable tool to developing an independent strategy. Another perspective on forex trading strategies. Some of the most successful traders consider the strategy as one of the least important elements to successful trading and they may have a point They put mush more emphasis on money management and, for example, the risk-to-reward ratio of each individual as the most important factor in successful trading They also point to the psychological elements of trading and the ability for those with a forex trading strategy to develop their cont rol over the two drivers of fear and greed which have a strong influence on all trading decisions. Online trading academy jobs about us Practice Binary Options selectproducts-usa. 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How Intraday Volume Can Be Used by Day Traders. What stands behind the volume. The volume indicator is one of the most frequently used tools in trading, representing the amount of shares traded in a particular time frame bar or candle We all know that the volume is an actual number of shares exchanged between buyers and sellers From this we can say that the higher the volume indicator, the more shares been exchanged on a particular time frame. Click here to learn how to utilize Bollinger Bands with a quantified, structured approach to increase your trading edges and secure greater gains with Trading with Bollinger Bands A Quantified Guide. The higher number says to us that there is either a big demand for a stock or a big supply If there is a big demand for a stock, then the stock price will likely to go up, and if there is a great supply on the market-the stock price will likely go down The higher volume number can be either steadily growing on the in dicator window or shave an instant spike Either way it gives us a very important signal that we can apply to our trading. Lets look at the example below On picture 1 the demand is steady, the volume always present and the stock price growing steadily. On picture two, we have a spike of volume and in this particular case it is a huge demand, which pushes this stock higher. These two scenarios can be used to identify either continuation of the trend or reversal of the trend. In first case the demand for the stock is steady and buyers are willing to pay higher prices when buying the stock, so the stock prices is also growing steadily. In the second scenario, the demand for the stock was weak, but at the certain price level, in our case it is 15 70, the demand for the stock rose significantly and the trend reversed, sending the stock price higher. These scenarios can be found easily throughout the day and you probably came across of them many, many times already, so now please use these little h ints in your daily trading This will increase your gains and definitely improve your PL report. Roman Larionov is the founder of the Absolute Resolution Project, managed by the Absolute Resolution Consultants New York based consulting company established in 2007 He has 12 years of experience including senior and executive management positions, project management, revenue management, sales, product development, people management and customer service His trading experience includes 8 years of trading FOREX and NYSE equities. Mr Larionov holds two Bachelors Degrees in Management and Management of Crisis Situations along with the MBA degree in International Business. Backtested on over 17,000 trades test this new trading indicator for Leveraged ETFs and find high probability setups daily click here now. Yield Curve Basics. The yield curve, a graph that depicts the relationship between bond yields and maturities, is an important tool in fixed-income investing Investors use the yield curve as a r eference point for forecasting interest rates, pricing bonds and creating strategies for boosting total returns The yield curve has also become a reliable leading indicator of economic activity. Starting at the Beginning What is Yield. Yield refers to the annual return on an investment The yield on a bond is based on both the purchase price of the bond and the interest, or coupon, payments received. Although a bond s coupon interest rate is usually fixed, the price of the bond fluctuates continuously in response to changes in interest rates, as well as the supply and demand, time to maturity, and credit quality of that particular bond After bonds are issued, they generally trade at premiums or discounts to their face values until they mature and return to full face value Because yield is a function of price, changes in price cause bond yields to move in the opposite direction. There are two ways of looking at bond yields current yield and yield to maturity. Current yield is the annual retur n earned on the price paid for a bond It is calculated by dividing the bond s annual coupon interest payments by its purchase price For example, if an investor bought a bond with a coupon rate of 6 at par, and full face value of 1,000, the interest payment over a year would be 60 That would produce a current yield of 6 60 1,000 When a bond is purchased at full face value, the current yield is the same as the coupon rate However, if the same bond were purchased at less than face value, or at a discount price, of 900, the current yield would be higher at 6 6 60 900 Likewise, if the same bond were purchased at more than face value, or at a premium price of 1100, the current yield would be lower at 5 4 60 1100.Yield to maturity reflects the total return an investor receives by holding the bond until it matures A bond s yield to maturity reflects all of the interest payments from the time of purchase until maturity, including interest on interest Equally important, it also includes any appr eciation or depreciation in the price of the bond Yield to call is calculated the same way as yield to maturity, but assumes that a bond will be called, or repurchased by the issuer before its maturity date, and that the investor will be paid face value on the call date. Because yield to maturity or yield to call reflects the total return on a bond from purchase to maturity or the call date , it is generally more meaningful for investors than current yield By examining yields to maturity, investors can compare bonds with varying characteristics, such as different maturities, coupon rates or credit quality. What is the Yield Curve. The yield curve is a line graph that plots the relationship between yields to maturity and time to maturity for bonds of the same asset class and credit quality The plotted line begins with the spot interest rate which is the rate for the shortest maturity, and extends out in time, typically to 30 years. The graph below is the yield curve for U S Treasuries on De cember 31, 2002 It shows that the yield at that time for the two-year Treasury bond was about 1 6 while the yield on the 10-year Treasury bond was about 3 8.Source Salomon Yieldbook. The graph above does not represent the past or future performance of any PIMCO product. A yield curve can be created for any specific segment of the bond market, from triple-A rated mortgage-backed securities to single-B rated corporate bonds The Treasury bond yield curve is the most widely used, however, because Treasury bonds have no perceived credit risk, which would influence yield levels, and because the Treasury bond market includes securities of virtually every maturity, from 3 months to 30 years. A yield curve depicts yield differences, or yield spreads that are due solely to differences in maturity It therefore conveys the overall relationship that prevails at a given time in the marketplace between bond interest rates and maturities This relationship between yields and maturities is known as the ter m structure of interest rates. As illustrated in the above graph, the normal shape, or slope of the yield curve is upward from left to right , which means that bond yields usually rise as maturity extends Occasionally, the yield curve slopes downward, or inverts, but it generally does not stay inverted for long. What Determines the Shape of the Yield Curve. Most economists agree that two major factors affect the slope of the yield curve investors expectations for future interest rates and certain risk premiums that investors require to hold long-term bonds. Three widely followed theories have evolved that attempt to explain these factors in detail. The Pure Expectations Theory holds that the slope of the yield curve reflects only investors expectations for future short-term interest rates Much of the time, investors expect interest rates to rise in the future, which accounts for the usual upward slope of the yield curve. The Liquidity Preference Theory an offshoot of the Pure Expectations Th eory, asserts that long-term interest rates not only reflect investors assumptions about future interest rates but also include a premium for holding long-term bonds, called the term premium or the liquidity premium This premium compensates investors for the added risk of having their money tied up for a longer period, including the greater price uncertainty Because of the term premium, long-term bond yields tend to be higher than short-term yields, and the yield curve slopes upward. The Preferred Habitat Theory another variation on the Pure Expectations Theory, states that in addition to interest rate expectations, investors have distinct investment horizons and require a meaningful premium to buy bonds with maturities outside their preferred maturity, or habitat Proponents of this theory believe that short-term investors are more prevalent in the fixed-income market and therefore, longer-term rates tend to be higher than short-term rates. Because the yield curve can reflect both invest ors expectations for interest rates and the impact of risk premiums for longer-term bonds, interpreting the yield curve can be complicated Economists and fixed-income portfolio managers put great effort into trying to understand exactly what forces are driving yields at any given time and at any given point on the yield curve. When Does the Slope of the Yield Curve Change. Historically, the slope of the yield curve has been a good leading indicator of economic activity Because the curve can summarize where investors think interest rates are headed in the future, it can indicate their expectations for the economy. A sharply upward sloping, or steep yield curve, has often preceded an economic upturn The assumption behind a steep yield curve is interest rates will begin to rise significantly in the future Investors demand more yield as maturity extends if they expect rapid economic growth because of the associated risks of higher inflation and higher interest rates, which can both hurt bond returns When inflation is rising, the Federal Reserve will often raise interest rates to fight inflation. The graph below shows the steep U S Treasury yield curve in early 1992 as the U S economy began to recover from the recession of 1990-91.Source Salomon Yieldbook. The graph above does not represent the past or future performance of any PIMCO product. A flat yield curve frequently signals an economic slowdown The curve typically flattens when the Federal Reserve raises interest rates to restrain a rapidly growing economy short-term yields rise to reflect the rate hikes, while long-term rates fall as expectations of inflation moderate A flat yield curve is unusual and typically indicates a transition to either an upward or downward slope The flat U S Treasury yield curve below signaled an economic slowdown prior to the recession of 1990-91.Source Salomon Yieldbook. The graph above does not represent the past or future performance of any PIMCO product. An inverted yield curve can be a harb inger of recession When yields on short-term bonds are higher than those on long-term bonds, it suggests that investors expect interest rates to decline in the future, usually in conjunction with a slowing economy and lower inflation Historically, the yield curve has become inverted 12 to 18 months before a recession The graph below depicts an inverted yield curve in early 2000, almost a year before the economy fell into recession in 2001.Source Salomon Yieldbook. The graph above does not represent the past or future performance of any PIMCO product. What are the Different Uses of the Yield Curve. The yield curve provides a reference tool for comparing bond yields and maturities that can be used for several purposes. First, the yield curve has an impressive record as a leading indicator of economic conditions, alerting investors to an imminent recession or signaling an economic upturn, as noted above. Second, the yield curve can be used as a benchmark for pricing many other fixed-income sec urities Because U S Treasury bonds have no perceived credit risk, most fixed-income securities, which do entail credit risk, are priced to yield more than Treasury bonds For example, a three-year, high-quality corporate bond could be priced to yield 0 50 , or 50 basis points, more than the three-year Treasury bond A three-year, high-yield bond could be valued 3 more than the comparable Treasury bond, or 300 basis points over the curve. Third, by anticipating movements in the yield curve, fixed-income managers can attempt to earn above-average returns on their bond portfolios Several yield curve strategies have been developed in an attempt to boost returns in different interest-rate environments. Three yield curve strategies focus on spacing the maturity of bonds in a portfolio In a bullet strategy, a portfolio is structured so that the maturities of the securities are highly concentrated at one point on the yield curve For example, most of the bonds in a portfolio may mature in 10 years In a barbell strategy, the maturities of the securities in a portfolio are concentrated at two extremes, such as five years and 20 years In a ladder strategy, the portfolio has equal amounts of securities maturing periodically, usually every year In general, a bullet strategy outperforms when the yield curve steepens, while a barbell outperforms when the curve flattens Investors typically use the laddered approach to match a steady liability stream and to reduce the risk of having to reinvest a significant portion of their money in a low interest-rate environment. Using the yield curve, investors may also attempt to identify bonds that appear cheap or expensive at any given time The price of a bond is based on the present value of its expected cash flows, or the value of its future interest and principal payments discounted to the present at a specified interest rate or rates If investors apply different interest-rate forecasts, they will arrive at different values for a given bond In t his way, investors judge whether particular bonds appear cheap or expensive in the marketplace and attempt to buy and sell those bonds to earn extra profits. Fixed-income managers can also seek extra return with a bond investment strategy known as riding the yield curve or rolling down the yield curve When the yield curve slopes upward, as a bond approaches maturity or rolls down the yield curve, it is valued at successively lower yields and higher prices Using this strategy, a bond is held for a period of time as it appreciates in price and is sold before maturity to realize the gain As long as the yield curve remains normal, or in an upward slope, this strategy can continuously add to total return on a bond portfolio. FXMoneyWorld s Online Trading Concepts - PowerPoint PPT Presentation. PPT FXMoneyWorlda s Online Trading Concepts PowerPoint presentation free to download - id 75be41-ZjdkN. FXMoneyWorld s Online Trading Concepts. FXMoneyWorld s online trading concepts include NDD brokering, fast withdrawals, online help and consultations and technical support in several languages PowerPoint PPT presentation. 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Articles in this part look at how several features of MultiCharts can be used programmatically. Programmatically working with trend lines in MultiCharts is discussed in this long chapter The introduction places all articles and the various trend line features into context, while the summary provides a concise overview. This category discusses the MultiCharts Command Line The introduction provides an overview of the chapter, while the summary gives a quick overview of all Command Line commands. These legacy articles include some of my earlier articles They still contain a lot of useful information, but arent written in the chapter style Ive adopted since then Over time Ill replace them with complete chapters. The essentials articles deal with the basics of MultiCharts programming and developing a better understanding of the platform. Introduction to MultiCharts. What i s Futures Trading. The official financial definition of Futures Trading is the trading of standardized contracts between two parties to buy or sell a specific asset Commodity, Financial Instrument, Market Index, etc at a specified future date at a price agreed on today Now this may seem a bit complicated, but in reality its a lot simpler than it sounds Lets say that you believe the price of Oil will increase You can open an account with any of the online futures brokers above and purchase Futures contracts for Crude Oil Each futures contract for oil is standardized to make trading streamlined A single futures contract for Crude Oil Trading Symbol CL represents 1,000 U S Barrels 42,000 Gallons of oil Because most online futures brokers offer their clients plenty of margin, investors do not need to put up the entire price of the underlying asset In this case the market price of 1,000 barrels of oil Many online futures brokers allow investors to begin trading with as little as 2,000, with some specialized futures brokers having no minimum account requirements By purchasing a single futures contract for Light Sweet Crude Oil, an investor receives the full benefit or price appreciation, but also the losses related to depreciation. Futures Trading on Margin. These futures contracts are traded on a futures exchange Like a stock, the price of a futures contract is determined by the forces of supply and demand Unlike options trading, which gives the owner of the option the right but not the obligation to exercise that option, those who own futures contracts on expiration must take delivery of the underlying asset Investors who dont want to end up taking physical delivery of a futures contract can avoid doing so simply by selling the contract before it hits the delivery date, also known as the final settlement date. Futures Trading Standardized Contracts. Light Sweed Crude Oil futures trade in units of 1,000 barrels, but not every commodity trades the same way Gold futures which a re traded on the Comex exchange are traded in units of 100 troy ounces and move up or down in increments of 0 10 A single wheat future contract represents 5000 bushels of wheat and moves up or down in increments of 0 01 at a time Cotton future contracts on the other hand each represent 50,000 lbs net weight of cotton and moves up or down in ticks of 1 100 of a cent The purpose of standardizing contracts is to ensure that every investor knows exactly what theyre buying or selling. Question from JasonB626.What s this i see about friend codes and people looking for other people to trade with online Can you really find random people in random places to trade with over the internet How is this possible I just purchased Platinum after having taken a long hiatus from pokemon and A LOT has changed since i ve last played. Well you trade over Wi-Fi, to trade pokemon with people you dont know, they cant scam you, but can give you a fake pokemon.6 years ago 1 3.To put it this way, you can battle peo ple from ALL OVER THE WORLD if you have Wi-Fi Wi-Fi is easily obtained if you have a wireless router in your home, go to a Wi-Fi hotspot like McDonalds, OR if you have the elusive Nintendo Wi-Fi USB Connector Unfortunately, the USB connector has been discontinued due to unknown reasons by Nintendo.5 years ago 1 2.You need wifi to trade online, to get wifi, you need a non-wireless internet modem Buy a wireless router only some routers work with the ds, here is the link to know which ones are compatible with the ds or ds lite nintendo consumer wfc enna routers index jsp. once you have setup the internet this link will help you connect your ds or ds lite to the internet nintendo consumer wfc enna ds index jsp. and then you are good to go I go to serebiinet to trade with other players.5 years ago 2 2.Go to system settings, go to internet, go to internet settings, find the secret 3 settings, and set all the access points to something Then, press Done after setting each one up, if it did not w ork, try at a different place like McDonalds if it worked, start the game up, go to the Global Terminal in Jubilife City and talk to the man He will ask you if you want to access Wifi Conection and say yes and you will be there. 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In the quest for freedom offshore and a passive and portable income our established Bahamas forex broker is well known, well established, and well capitalized This broker has had many years of experience in providing service not only for foreign exchange trading, but they also offer a very comprehensive range of offshore trading accounts for options, futures, CFDs, and bullion trading Their customers are offered access to all the worldwide markets and all global exchanges with a comprehensive range of online trading and telephone brokerage services See more below. Among their comprehensive range of offshore trading account services, customers can choose an advisory account or an execution only account or an online trading account which allows sovereign individuals to trade at this Bahamas forex broker from anywhere in the world via an internet connection But if you would rather leave the trading to a professional they also offer managed account services These type of accounts are based upon the systems of both in-house and independent trading advisors ITAs. Bahamas Offshore Forex Managed Accounts. This Bahamas forex broker appoints external ITAs in order to monitor the method and practices of a broad spectrum of trading systems, across a wide variety of markets, offering different risk reward profiles The live trading track records of this Bahama s forex broker s appointed ITAs have been very carefully researched and verified The decisions are made by the ITAs, subject to the client s chosen risk parameters, which leaves this offshore broker with the responsibility of executing the trading orders. Disclaimer Forex is a leveraged product It may not be suitable for you as it carries a high degree of risk to your capital and you can lose more than your initial investment You should ensure you understand all of the risks. The Best Option Strategies for S mall Accounts. I ve been trading for over 25 years and have experienced many challenges along the way Through my experiences I ve learned the hard way what works made money and what doesn t lost money. In my quest to help as many traders as possible avoid the pitfalls I ve encountered, I m constantly thinking, how can what I ve learned work for you. First off, I ve thought about your trading challenges a lot, maybe even more than you have My hope is that if I know your struggles, then with my insights and experience, I can provide better solutions to them than you can get anywhere else. While my theme this year has been consistency, at the end of the day a person can consistently make more money if they have a larger account and the markets are moving If you re reading this article, I m going to assume you re interested in growing your account and that it is not large yet. As such, here are some of the goals I hope to achieve for you through this strategy.1 How to turn a small account into a large account, while minimizing risk and as quickly as possible.2 Fully understand how market makers lure people into consistent, losing trades as part of their daily money making routine.3 The best practices from traders who have routinely turned small accounts into large accounts.4 An understanding of the set of circumstances that must come together that routinely allow traders to exponentially grow smaller accounts quickly. As a trader who s trying to grow a small account, it s important to know which markets to trade Here are some of the options.- Futures Good for scalping, but you need an exchange seat to reduce commissions 99 of small retail accounts lose money trading futures and forex.- Stocks ETFs Good for extremely large accounts where you are fine compounding wealth at 10 to 20 per year and can sit through a downturn Options on ETFs are great for longer term trades.- Selling Options Premium good for all sized account that are looking for make 20 to 30 per year.- Buying Spec ific Types of Options Specialized for Small Accounts good for smaller accounts looking to make a quick and safe jump towards becoming a large account. So, why options Because to grow accounts quickly in the financial markets a trader must.- keep what they have.- limit risk even in the face of an unexpected disaster.- t rade small and risk only a small percent of your total account on each trade. Safety Leverage That s the Key.- With buying options, you only take up and risk a small amount of buying power, creating the ability to compound your gains with limited risk. Make no mistake, large accounts are great.- You can take less risk, and make a great monthly income off a large account.- You can be more relaxed, less stressed, and create more free time.- BUT, first you have to acquire a large account.- Luckily, small accounts have a unique niche in the markets that larger accounts, and especially funds, can t replicate. Small also has advantages. With small accounts, because of the flexibili ty with liquidity you have the opportunity to make extraordinary gains Large accounts and hedge funds don t have the the flexibility that a small account has. To illustrate my point, let s take a look at Chipotle Mexican Grill CMG. Click on any image in this article to enlarge it. As you can see, there s not enough options volume for funds. So why are buying options on these small account set ups so profitable T here are specific setups that small accounts can take advantage of and hide their footprints. This setup is repeatable, and one trade can m ake your whole month. These are great setups for small accounts and you don t have to stare at the charts all day. But first, you have to understand what to look for. It s All About Timing. Options Prices are draining every day, right up into expiration. The key to this is knowing that when you re buying options there s a mathematical logic behind the pricing Stock prices will stay within a particular rang during the course of it s life cycle. This is why a lot of options expire worthless People just aren t aware that options outside of the expected price movement are actually expected to expire worthless most of the time. Statistically this trade was impossible. This brings me to my next point, Price Bursts There are three keys to making money in a small account buying options. Yes, it is all about timing With options, you only have to catch one price burst to make your month, or even your year. Most of the time people who buy options buy them at the wrong time, the wrong strike and the wrong price. A stock like General Electric GE or International Business Machines IBM are generally not going to have to have a price burst, absent some kind of rare black swan event These are predictable companies with steady earnings and not very many surprises. We re looking for companies that behave the opposite of this, specifically on the upside.- Specific average volume to float ratio.- Short interest that is greater than this ratio.- Specific situations where upgrades are likely. We re looking for things that are outside of the market maker s control When these things come together, combined with the right technical setup, the odds of a greater than expected move and can ex plode in price. Wealthy option traders look for big moves, moves that will force the option to move many times over. Additionally, with the GTEM s greater than expected move , we only need to be right 1 in 10 times to make an exponential return on our initial investment. Let s take a look at a few examples, starting with Home Depot HD. In the screenshot below, at the bottom, you can see an option purchased at 2 12 is now worth 6 90.Here are others, with explanations in the white text box on the image. By now you may be asking, what if it doesn t work Not all positions will explode after earnings or based on a news story It s great when they go up 10x in value or more but the reality is they won t all do that. Does that mean you lose your money on the trades that don t work In a word No. In the example below, PCLN didn t explode but the options went up 35 to 50.Here is one on Alibaba Group Holding Ltd BABA - not a 10 bagger, but I was happy with nearly doubling my money. Now, here is one on Lin kedIn LNKD - utter failure Instead of a price explosion, it only moves up a little. Remember many of the stocks we re interested in don t have the largest volume in the world Don t get me wrong, I love trading Apple AAPL and a lot of money can be made trading options when AAPL goes up 1 00.But what most traders should be watching, and what I m interested in, is the niches where funds and market makers don t have much of a say These are represented in stocks that have wider spreads and lower volume, which makes it harder for them to control. Now, this can also make it riskier for you to trade This is another opportunity for me to mention that you should only be trading with money you can afford to lose Trading any other way clouds your decision-making and always results in bad losing trades. Another example is in AutoZone, Inc AZO Institutions would have a very difficult time on this low volume option trade - which makes it perfect for you and I. You might be asking, why doesn t this seem h ard Why isn t everyone doing this. The reason is that most option traders are looking for moves in the option that simply won t happen with the underlying stock They get sucked into holding an option on a stock that the market makers have way too much control of. And even if they do make small gains, they are suckered into giving it all back to the market makers when they manipulate the stock in small ways. As long as your money is in the market the market makers know they can take it from you. If this all sounds complicated, the good news is, you don t have to know anything about options to do this strategy It s perfect for newer traders with small accounts that are looking to grow them quickly The options strategies are relatively safe - no naked selling, no random assignment of stock. When done right these trades can take your account to the next level It allows you to trade less, identify moves that will screw the market makers, avoid market maker games, and make big trades Once you hav e a large account, you can start trading for income But first, you need a large account, and no, no one is going to give it to you However, if don t get it right, you will be the sucker who is buying options when you should have been selling them. So, where do you go from here Naturally, the approach, tools, trade secrets, resources and community we ve developed to allow traders to find these opportunities is not available to everyone Nor do I do this purely for fun or charity. You can take what I ve shown you here and fumble through on your own, or you can tap into the community, tools, resources and trade secrets that are only available to my clients It s the perfect time to learn this strategy and here s how you can do so. Go to Simpler Options and get the free E-book It s a great start and will build on what you ve just learned. Subscribe to Viper Report. What optionbingo is about. optionbingo provides suite of tools Volume 7, Number 2.The Effects of Affective Strategy Training in the ES L Classroom. University of Alberta. marian rossiterualberta ca. This paper presents the findings of an intervention designed to examine the effects of affective strategy instruction on measures of second language proficiency and of self-efficacy The participants in this study were 31 adult intermediate-level ESL learners registered in a full-time ESL program in a post-secondary institution in Canada Two classes participated in this study one received 12 hours of affective strategy training, and the second served as a comparison group At Weeks 1, 5, 10, and 15, learners completed two sets of oral information-gap tasks picture story narratives and object descriptions Prior to each task, they provided scalar judgments of their ability to provide accurate descriptions The data from the self-report questionnaires and from the transcripts of the audio-tapes were used to analyse students perceptions of self-efficacy and their second language performance The results are discussed with respect to the context in which the training was conducted. Differential success in second or foreign language learning has been attributed to individual differences such as intelligence, aptitude, personality, motivation, and anxiety The development of humanistic psychology, which sought to establish a holistic approach to learners, led to an increased focus on individuals emotions and feelings Maslow 1971 , for instance, posited that cognitive and aesthetic goals leading to self-actualization could not be achieved unless human physiological needs, the need for safety and security, the need for belonging, and the need for self-esteem had been satisfied Rogers 1969 argued that learning should be experiential and convergent with learner goals and that it should take place in a supportive environment -1.In second language learning, this affective approach manifested itself in methods such as Community Language Learning Curran, 1972 and Suggestopedia Lozanov, 1979 A strong proponent of humanism in la nguage teaching, Stevick 1980 argued that language learning success depends less on materials, techniques and linguistic analyses, and more on what goes on inside and between the people in the classroom p 4 In his affective filter hypothesis Krashen 1982 posited the existence of an internal barrier that interfered with second language acquisition when learners were anxious or bored Schumann 1997, 2001 , informed by recent developments in cognition research Damasio, 1994 LeDoux, 1996 , proposed that the psychology and neurobiology of stimulus appraisal based on novelty, pleasantness, goal need significance, coping potential, and the self - and social image of the learner determine the extent to which second language learning is achieved These theories regarding the important role of affect in learning have resonated strongly with the intuitions of many second and foreign language teachers. Over the past three decades, research in second language acquisition has confirmed hypotheses that language learning is indeed enhanced by attention to affect Gardner and colleagues Gardner, 1985 Gardner Cl ment, 1990 Gardner Lambert, 1972 Gardner MacIntyre, 1993 conducted extensive investigations of individual differences in language learning success other studies Horwitz, Horwitz, Cope, 1986 Horwitz Young, 1991 MacIntyre Gardner, 1989, 1991b examined the construct of language anxiety Price 1991 interviewed learners who reported debilitating anxiety caused by instructors who criticized their pronunciation or focused on classroom performance rather than learning Baileys 1983 diary of her French classroom experience indicated that competitiveness and anxiety motivated her both to work harder on some occasions facilitating anxiety and to avoid class on others debilitating anxiety Youngs 1990 research with language learners suggested that teachers who used humour and created a friendly, supportive, and relaxed classroom atmosphere that encouraged risk-taking were most helpful in allevi ating foreign language anxiety and facilitating learning. The majority of studies that explored the relationship between affect and second language performance were non-interventions e g Brown, Cunha, Frota, Ferreira, 2001 Gardner, 1985 Gardner, Moorcroft, MacIntyre, 1987 MacIntyre Gardner, 1989 Madsen, Brown, Jones, 1991 Price, 1991 Young, 1991 Although several laboratory experiments were conducted in this area e g Gardner, Day, MacIntyre, 1992 MacIntyre Gardner, 1991a, 1994a, 1994b Steinberg Horwitz, 1986 Stevick, 1999 , few experimental classroom studies focusing on affect have been documented A series of interventions conducted by Moskowitz 1981, 1999 with high school second and foreign language students reported positive correlations between the use of humanistic exercises and students attitudes towards language learning, their classmates, and themselves Results of questionnaires administered to the teachers in this study also showed improved attitudes toward their classes and enha nced self-concept and self-awareness Cohen, Weaver, and Li 1998 investigated the effects of a range of speaking strategies on three tasks performed by university foreign language students a self-description, a story retelling, and a description of a favorite city Some of the many strategies considered by teachers and students in the three experimental classes to be useful for the oral tasks were affective deep breathing, positive self-talk, visualization exercises, relaxation techniques, taking ones emotional temperature, self-rewards, persistence, and risk-taking Superior results in overall speaking performance shown by the experimental group on the city description task were attributed to the use of strategies, some of which were affective the effect of the affective strategy component alone, however, could not be partialed out As Chamot 2001 stated, there is a continuing need for more intervention studies to determine the effects of strategy training on language learning and profici ency One of the issues that the present study will examine is the effect of affective strategy instruction on ESL learners performance on oral tasks -2.Research has shown that performance can be facilitated by the enhancement of self-efficacy peoples judgments of their capabilities to organize and execute courses of action required to attain designated types of performances Bandura, 1986, p 391 Perceptions of self-efficacy influence motivation they determine the goals individuals set, the effort they expend to achieve those goals, and their willingness to persist in the face of failure Bandura, 1986 These, in turn, influence achievement see, for example, Locke, 1996 Pintrich De Groot, 1990 Schunk, 1984, 1991 Schunk Gunn, 1985 Much research in the health domain e g treatment of phobias see Bandura, 1997 and in L1 educational contexts Pajares, 1996 Schunk, 1995 has demonstrated the positive effects of strategy instruction on self-efficacy. A related construct is self-efficacy for learning by which participants judge their capabilities for learning to solve types of problems, write types of paragraphs, or answer types of questions, rather than their certainty for being able to successfully perform those tasks Schunk, 1996, p 8 Research from mainstream education contends that. s trategy instruction can foster self-efficacy for learning The belief that one understands and can effectively apply a strategy that aids learning leads to a greater sense of control over learning outcomes, which promotes self-efficacy and motivation to apply the strategy Pintrich Schunk, 1996, p 179.Self-efficacy is requisite for successful language learning A growing body of literature developed by Cl ment and associates has established that a closely-related construct, linguistic self-confidence is an important component of second foreign language motivation see, for example, Cl ment, D rnyei, Noels, 1994 Cl ment, Gardner, Smythe, 1977 Cl ment Kruidenier, 1985 D rnyei Cl ment, 2001 Gardner, Tremblay, Masgoret, 1997 Noels Cl ment, 1996 However, self-efficacy and self-confidence are not synonymous as D rnyei 2001 explained, self-efficacy is always specific to a concrete task whereas self-confidence is usually used to refer to a generalized perception of ones coping potentials, releva nt to a range of tasks and subject domains p 56.Limited experimental research on task-specific self-efficacy and L2 strategy instruction has been conducted to date Two intervention studies Chamot, Barnhardt, El-Dinary, Carbonaro, Robbins, 1993 Chamot, Robbins, El-Dinary, 1993 for a summary, see Chamot, 1994 examined the effects of metacognitive, cognitive, and social strategy instruction received by learners of Japanese, Russian, and Spanish Among other measures, students completed learning strategy questionnaires in which they reported their frequency of strategy use in performing specific L2 tasks, and self-efficacy questionnaires in which they rated their perceptions of their ability to complete those particular tasks Positive relationships between the frequent use of learning strategies and perceptions of self-efficacy were found in most groups affective strategies, however, were not included in the research design An examination of the effects of affective strategy instruction on self-efficacy is included in this study -3.Enhancing Classroom Affect. An increasing number of materials have emerged over the years to enhance affect in second language classrooms Oxford 1990, p 163 delineated three types of affective strategies that can be used to regulate learner attitudes, motivation, and emotions These include strategies for anxiety reduction using progressive relaxation and deep breathing exercises, music, and laughter , for self-encouragement making positive statements, taking risks wisely, and administering self-rewards , and for monitoring emotions listening to the body, completing a checklist, writing a language learning diary, and discussing feelings with peers. Numerous authors e g Campbell Ortiz, 1991 Crandall, 1999 Crookall Oxford, 1991 Foss Reitzel, 1991 Hooper Hansen, 1998 Medgyes, 2002 Oxford, 1990 Oxford et al 1990 Phillips, 1998 Rinvolucri, 1999 have described activities for enhancing L2 learners cognitive and affective experiences, such as discussion of the ideal language learner, cooperative learning activities, an agony column in which learners reply to letters expressing language learning difficulties , use of learner anxiety graphs, visualization, humour, cartoon story telling, and rhythmic breathing exercises These fall on a continuum from more teacher-controlled to more student-controlled although all can be taught and encouraged by the teacher, the teacher has more control over some than others For example, the use of humour, music, visualization, and relaxation in the classroom would likely be initiated by the teacher, whereas self-talk, risk-taking, and monitoring are more student-regulated strategies. This study was undertaken, using Oxfords 1990 taxonomy of affective strategies, to determine what effects, if any, affective strategy instruction in relaxation, music, visualization, humour, positive self-talk, risk-taking, and monitoring emotions might have on learner performance and self-efficacy in speaking tasks A quasi-e xperimental non-equivalent comparison-group design was used, in which one group of adult ESL learners received 12 hours of affective strategy instruction and the second served as a comparison group All participants interacted with an interlocutor to complete oral information-gap tasks narrative description, object description on three occasions, at five-week intervals The following questions formed the basis for this research. Does affective strategy training lead to improved L2 performance success, speech rate, message abandonment. Does affective strategy training lead to a greater sense of task self-efficacy and self-efficacy for learning. The participants 16 men, 15 women were intermediate ESL learners assessed at Canadian Language Benchmark 7 Pawlikowska-Smith, 2000 and registered in full-time ESL classes in a post-secondary institution They ranged in age from 19 to 59 years mean 35 years , came from varied first language backgrounds, and had been in English-speaking Canada for an ave rage of 4 3 years Demographic details appear in Table 1 -4.Be ready for the new functionality and the ribbon. As the campus prepares to launch the latest version of SharePoint 2010 with the ribbon, University Web Services has developed a training plan that encompases all permissions groups This new plan recognizes the specific skill set needed by each user to be successful at SharePoint 2010.February 1 will launch the first public group of users to access SharePoint 2010 Participating web masters will get a practice area sandbox where individuals can test functionality coupled with the training documentation This group will provide invaluable feedback to University Web Services. On March 1, a select group of 20 site owners will be invited to access SharePoint 2010 Together with the web masters, these individuals will test functionality in a practice sandbox area We will work closely with them collecting feedback and registering problems. Phase III End-user training. April and May will be d evoted to training the campus congregation on SharePoint 2010 functionality featuring the ribbon During the first two weeks of April, introductory sessions will be held These informative sessions will introduce the ribbon to all users At these sessions, users will be encouraged to register for the upcoming training sessions. SharePoint 2010 training will be chunked into sessions directed toward specific permission groups Training sessions include. SharePoint 2010 basic required for all users who have site permission and all new users must complete this session before permissions will be granted. The curriculum for each level is built on basic class Additional information is added based on permission level. Contributors Edit, check-in, publish tabs and accordions, reusable content, forms. Content managers Navigation, web parts. Classes will be held daily in May rotating between the Anschutz and Downtown campus Web masters will be appraised of who has registered and for what class Training ses sions for entire departments or units are available Please complete training requests before March 15.We plan on developing and posting online training materials, frequently asked questions FAQ , the training schedule and training registration forms on the CU Denver website at ucdenver edu sharepoint. The website will serve as the main communications vehicle through the launch of SharePoint 2010.The pre flight Forex checklist you need before trading with real money. Learning to trade forex is like re-training for a new career, because simply put, you are taking on a new profession Yet so many traders starting out for the first time tend to approach it like learning blackjack at the casino tables Some traders are approaching the markets with the right attitude but just expect to become an overnight expert Much like starting out in a new career You need to make preparations and build yourself up from square one before you can start trading Forex the smart way. In this article we are going u se our Forex checklist to some critical areas before jumping into the markets with your hard earned cash There are plenty of DOs and DON TS when it comes to managing your capital Without proper planning management on your part, you have failed before you even begin. There are ways to integrate trading with your current life financial situation Take on trading as a profession without compromising your financial integrity Let s go over some points that will allow you trade without reducing the your quality of life outside of Forex. Formulate a Trading Plan that Suits you. Jim want s to open a new business, but he has no idea what type business he wants to open Jim doesnt know what he is going to sell or what services he will offer He just simply wants to be a business owner Peter also wants to open a business, except Peter knows exactly what type of business he wants to run and what he is going to offer his customers In fact Peter has pre-determined the what, how, when and whys and consolid ated all the information into a business plan Who do you think has a better chance of success here, Jim or Peter. There is no getting away from the fact that forex trading is a high octane, potentially stressful endeavor There will be times that things dont go the way you want and times when you question whether you are doing the right thing The market can even punish you for good behaviour and reward you for bad behaviour, conditioning you to be a bad trader This is called the random reinforcement principle. That is why it is so important to have a Forex checklist and a trading plan that you are comfortable with Its important you create a plan that not only you understand completely, but also enjoy using This way you will experience a much higher level of clarity with your trading and have a better chance of sticking with the plan and seeing it through to the end. Make sure you trading plan integrates well into your normal life If a trading system requires you to spend hours in front of the screen during London trading hours, and youre in America where London trading hours run from 2am onwards Throw a full time job in the mix, youre not going to be able to see this through This is one reason why we encourage traders to adopt end of day trading strategies so they can formulate a trading plan which marries well with a busy lifestyle. Your trading plan should be your trading bible which you can follow religiously Youll feel confident in your decisions and subsequently feel more in control than if blindly following a system you dont fully comprehend Consistency is key for trader s success and following a trading plan is an excellent way to cement your obligation of consistency in the markets Make sure your trading plan is ticked off on your Forex checklist before trading real money. Predetermine a Budget. Once youre comfortable with how you are going to trade, the next step is to set out what you are going to trade Once again, one of the most common mistakes traders make inv esting money they cant afford to lose This is why a budget is second on our Forex checklist. Dont make Forex trading you re primary focus of a quick fix solution to financial problems If youre in major debt and having trouble keeping up with payments The Forex market is not the solution you need You will be entering the market already in a heightened emotional state, playing around with money that s need elsewhere. Sit down and calculate how much money you need to survive each month This includes food, bills like electricity, water, gas debt repayments like your mortgage, car loans, personal loans etc Once youve worked out the total of your monthly expenses, subtract that figure from your total monthly income. Monthly Income Monthly Expenses Investment money. If you get a figure that s in the negative then youre not earning enough to cover your living expenses This should raise some red flags Create an action plan to fix this deficit before you even think about trading with real money If y ou calculations output positive number, this figure becomes your play money. Play money is basically money that left after everything is paid off and you can spend freely without compromising your financial situation You should only invest play money into the markets, because in the event that you do worst case scenario blow your account it wont put you or your family on the street. I m sure you will have heard countless times that people should only risk what they can afford to lose, but you d be surprised how many traders bury themselves deep in debt trying to raise capital to trade with. There is perhaps no starting point more important to remember than making certain you only invest what you can afford to lose If you dont stick to this you are setting yourself up to fail on two accounts Firstly you will have already set the bar of required early success too high and secondly you will be impeding your ability to approach decisions with a clear and calculative thought process, absent fr om emotion. Know Your Risk Tolerance.3rd on our Forex checklist is to know how much should you will be risking into each opened position. This is where we move away from hard and fast rules, delving into opinions that fluctuate widely in the industry Typically accepted standards say that each trade should represent 2 of a fund s total capital and many people stick rigidly to this In truth though, there is no right or wrong answer and this is why it is so important to have gone through the previous stages of preparation before getting to this point. The way to decide how much you put into each trade comes down to two things Firstly how comfortable you feel with losing the total amount invested in one go, and secondly how confident you are in the outcome of the trade Put more simply, if you cant set the trade and walk away from the computer, forgetting about the outcome until you log in again the next day Then you are probably risking too much money. Even career professional traders, the mos t successful ones at least, can turn off their computers at the end of the day, go back to their personal lives and enjoy a good night s sleep Set this as your benchmark for every trade If you re open trades are all that is on your mind through the day and are losing sleep at night over them, then youre doing something wrong. This is an important point on our Forex checklist Think about every trade you take, you should already consider that money lost If the trade comes back as a winner, thats a bonus Considering every trade a loser before you place it will help you determine a comfortable level of risk, decrease the chance you will emotionally intervene in the market, or let trading impact your normal life in a negative way. Focus on becoming an awesome trader, not solving your financial problems. This might sound strange because at the end of the day, people are drawn into investment of all kind to make more money People don t open savings accounts to learn about national bank base rate s But with forex, because of the high levels of volatility in the market, having your main focus as riches could put you in harm s way. If you stare at the chart you will probably find literally hundreds of hindsight signals that appear every day which represent an opportunity to profit If you are focused on chasing the money, you are possibly going to see a lot of these as missed opportunities and beat yourself up over not trading them. Instead of setting your goal as retiring early with a load of cash, try approaching your forex trading with the intention of being good at what you do, in this case becoming a good trader That way you will be realigning your focus towards perfecting your ability in the markets If you can commit yourself to becoming a good trader and be passionate about it, the money will naturally flow in If you focus on making money, then your account will probably slowly drain out Welcome to the irony of the Forex market. A football enthusiast trying to make the local t eam isnt as bothered about that one great goal they fluked early in their career half as much as being considered a consistently reliable part of the team If forex is your sport, don t think about winning goal of the month in your first year of trading, set your targets at being worthy of being selected for the national side. Those who get into forex wanting to gain a deep understanding of how the markets work to give themselves a solid knowledge, will go far Those who are thinking solely of the dollars open themselves up to be blinded by greed and subsequently face some difficult consequences. Wrapping Up the Pre Flight Forex Checklist. Forex trading s reputation is often tarnished from the countless stories about people blowing their savings or falling into serious debt from it It s not an easy profession to master and we know that a lot of traders dont reach their end game goal of full time Forex trading Make sure you can afford to trade and never fall into the downwards spiral of trea ting your activity like a night at the roulette wheel Check every point off on our pre flight Forex checklist. Technology and the internet these days allows anyone to become a trader with a few clicks on a mouse and the tapping in of a credit card number So many people come to this arena with no more planning and preparation than entering lottery numbers The result, most of the time, is that the account is blown almost as quickly as it was opened Sound familiar Dont worry, youre not the only one, weve all been there. Hopefully if youre reading this though, you have realized like me that the market is no place to play around Approach the market with a clear mind, focused preparation and the confidence to build your knowledge and understanding. If youre a bit lost in the market and find yourself struggling to make sense of what appears to be a chaotic and random market environment, you may be interested in our war room membership If you have a look around this site you will find that our ap proach to the market is simple, logical and consistent with our price action trading methodology Our Price Action Protocol trading course is structured so you can formulate your own price action based trading plan that you can feel confident and comfortable trading. Whatever approach you use with the market, make sure you understand clearly what you re doing Check off the points on the Forex checklist and only invest spare or play money Be involved with Forex only with the intentions of becoming a good trader, not a fix for financial problems. Have fun with it guys, and cheers to your professional future trading success. Nov 17, 2013 TheForexGuy. Is forex halal or haram If halaal please explain why is it so. Mu meneen Brothers and Sisters. As Salaam Aleikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh May Allah s Peace, Mercy and Blessings be upon all of you. One of our brothers sisters has asked this question. Is forex halal or haram If halaal please explain why is it so. There may be some grammatical and spelling errors in the above statement The forum does not change anything from questions, comments and statements received from our readers for circulation in confidentiality. Forex Currency trading. In the name of Allah, We praise Him, seek His help and ask for His forgiveness Whoever Allah guides none can misguide, and whoever He allows to fall astray, none can guide them aright We bear witness that there is no one no idol, no person, no grave, no prophet, no imam, no dai, nobody worthy of worship but Allah Alone, and we bear witness that Muhammad saws is His slave-servant and the seal of His Messengers. In light of the guidance of the Quran and the Sunnah, the majority of the scholars and jurists in Islam are of the opinion that the buying, selling and trading of foreign currencies is permissible in Islam, provided the trading and exchange is done on spot payment and exchanged Please note here that margin-trading, puts, calls, straddle or any of the de rivatives other than spot exchange are held unlawful and prohibited in Islam. Whatever written of Truth and benefit is only due to Allahs Assistance and Guidance, and whatever of error is of me alone Allah Alone Knows Best and He is the Only Source of Strength. Your brother and well wisher in Islam.- Principles of Fiqh Jurisprudence and Islamic Rulings Transactions Business and Financial Transactions Investment.72210 Ruling on trading in currencies. I would like to know about investment in curreny FOREX Market Like now a days, its very common that people invest in Euro to earn profits One broker keeps on calling me to invest USD in Euro Is trade in currency halal. Praise be to Allaah. Dealing in currencies is permissible so long as the exchange takes place in the same sitting as the contract is made It is permissible to sell euros for dollars so long as the exchange takes place in the same sitting as the contract is made But when the deal is concerning the same type of currency, such as sel ling one dollar for two dollars, that is not permissible because it is a type of riba In that case they should be of equal amounts and the exchange must take place in the same sitting as the contract if the exchange is concerning one type of currency The evidence for that is the report narrated by Ubaadah ibn al-Saamit may Allaah be pleased with him who said The Messenger of Allaah peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him said Gold for gold, silver for silver, wheat for wheat, barley for barley, dates for dates, salt for salt, like for like, same for same, hand to hand If the types are different then sell however you like, so long as it is hand to hand Narrated by Muslim, 1587.It says in Majmoo Fataawa Ibn Baaz 19 171-174.Dealing in currency, buying and selling, is permissible, but that is subject to the condition that the exchange be hand-to-hand if the currencies are different If a person sells Libyan currency for American or Egyptian or whatever currency hand to hand, there is noth ing wrong with that, such as if he buys dollars for Libyan currency hand to hand, exchanging it in one sitting, or he buys Egyptian or English currency etc for the Libyan or whatever currency hand to hand, there is nothing wrong with that But if there is a delay, then it is not permissible, and if the exchange is not done in the same sitting, it is not permissible, because in that case it is regarded as a kind of riba-based transaction So the exchange must take place in the same sitting, hand to hand, if the currencies are different But if they are of the same kind, two conditions must be met they should be of equal amounts and the exchange should take place in the same sitting, because the Prophet peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him said Gold for gold, silver for silver. The ruling on currency is as mentioned above if they are different then it is permissible for the amounts exchanged to be different, so long as the exchange takes place in the same sitting If they are of the same kind, such as dollars for dollars, or dinars for dinars, then the exchange must take place in the same sitting and they should be of the same amount And Allaah is the source of strength End quote. Tuesday, November 14, 2006.Hukum Pelaburan FOREX. MuslimKaya blogspot kembali lagi dengan artikel terbaru berkenaan Hukum FOREX iaitu Foreign Exchange Tukaran Matawang Asing. Ramai di antara kita yang pernah mendengar daripada kawan2, atau sahabat2 mengenai keuntungan mudah yang boleh diperolehi melalui FOREX Tetapi tidak pernahkan sahabat-sahabat semua terfikir akan hukum FOREX di sisi Islam. Memang masyuk bila tengok duit masuk melimpah ruah dalam akaun kita, tapi sahabat-sahabat semua kena ingat, duit itu nanti akan dipersoalkan di akhirat kelak dari mana asal-usulnya dan adakah halal atau haram Ingat, duit yang haram apabila kita gunakan atau makan maka akan menjadi darah daging kita dan setiap daging yang haram dalam tubuh badan kita akan dibakar oleh api neraka Oleh itu tidak rugi kalau ki ta meluangkan sedikit masa kita untuk mengkaji sesuatu pelaburan itu samada halal atau haram, kerana ini akan menyelamatkan kita di hari akhirat kelak Jadi apakah dia hukum FOREX Adakah urusniaga FOREX halal atau haram InsyaAllah di bawah ini ada jawapannya. Alhamdulillah, Allah telah mempermudahkan kita untuk mengkaji persoalan kewangan Islam pada hari ini, kerana telah ramai ustaz-ustaz yang pakar dalam kedua-dua bidang iaitu kewangan dan juga ilmu Syariah Islam Di bawah ini adalah sebuah artikel berkenaan dengan Hukum FOREX hasil karangan Ust Zaharudin yang juga bertugas sebagai Panel Syariah RHB Bank Semoga kita dapat melapangkan dada kita dan cuba untuk menghadamkan setiap penilaian hukum halal dan haram FOREX dari segi syarak. Hukum Pelaburan FOREX Syarikat, Badan pelaburan dan pengurus kewangan di Barat sentiasa bersifat professional dalam iklannya bagi menonjolkan apa jua jenis dan kelebihan yang ada pada mereka Justeru, jika mereka mengurus secara Islam, sudah pasti mereka akan menghebahkan dengan jelas bahawa mereka adalah sebuah syarikat pelaburan yang menurut prinsip-prinsip Shariah, di samping itu, suatu kemestian bagi sesebuah syarikat pelaburan untuk menyiarkan nama-nama panel penasihat Shariahnya bagi menarik keyakinan orang ramai Bagaimanapun, jika di lihat di dalam web pelaburan swiss ini, tiada satu pun yang menonjolkan imej ini, malah apa yang saya perolehi menunjukkan ia amat bertentangan dengan ciri-ciri pelaburan Islam samada dari sudut penggunaan terminologi pelaburannya, mahupun bentuk cara ia menjana keuntungan. Lebih jelas dari itu, jika pembaca meninjau kepada ruangan Frequently Asked Questions FAQ yang terdapat di dalam web mereka juga tiada satu perkataan dan soalan pun yang berkaitan tentang keislaman produk mereka ini Semua ini, tanpa perlu mengkaji dengan lebih dalam pun sudah mampu diketahui akan tidak menepati Shariahnya pelaburan mereka ini. Adapun, jika pembaca inginkan penjelasan lebih terperinci akan cara yang digunakan oleh pelabu ran Swiss, saya kira ia amat jelas Sebagai sebuah syarikat pelaburan berasaskan konvensional dan riba yang sentiasa mempromosi keuntungan yang luar biasa sebagai satu-satunya alat penarik Pelaburan yang dilakukan pastinya menggunakan instrumen-intstrumen yang terlibat dengan riba, gharar dan perjudian, tanpa sebarang pertimbangan Antara instrumen yang digunakan adalah ia terkandung samada tersirat dan tersurat di dalam investment plan nya yang di paparkan di halaman webnya iaitu swisscash biz Web sffsip aspx sebagaimana berikut. a Hedging Lindung Risiko Perubahan Nilai matawang Ia biasanya digunakan oleh industri import eksport yang melibatkan penggunaan matawang yang berbeza Ia digunakan bagi memastikan perubahan nilai matawang tidak memberi kesan amat buruk kepada pembeli jika nilai yang yang dguna cth ringgit jatuh teruk Yang mana jika ini berlaku, pihak pembeli terpaksa menanggung kos berkali ganda Justeru, salah satu cara yang biasa digunakan adalah hedging Instrument hedging ini j uga boleh digunakan untuk mendapatkan keuntungan dalam perdagangan spekulasi matawang Menurut Fatwa oleh ulama Shariah antarabangsa, hedging hanya dibenarkan bagi tujuan pertama di atas iaitu untuk melindungi penjual dan pembelian asset sebenar dari risiko perubahan nilai matawang sahaja. Ia adalah salah satu resolusi Persidangan Kewangan Ia merupakan suatu jenis perdagangan transaksi yang memperdagangkan matawang suatu negara terhadap matawang negara lainnya yang melibatkan pasar-pasar matawang utama di dunia selama 24 jam secara berterusan. Benar, memang FOREX matawang adalah diharuskan, tetapi keharusannya tertakluk kepada sejauh mana ia menurut garis panduan yang dikeluarkan dari hadith Nabi yang sohih Iaitu. Dalam menukar wang dengan wang, Nabi telah menyebut garis panduan yang mesti dipatuhi iaitu Ditukar serah dan terima dalam waktu yang sama ia disebut dalam hadis sebagai yadan bi yadin Dalam bahasa Inggerisnya adalah on the spot basis Ia datang dari hadis. Ertinya Emas dengan Emas ditukar atau diniagakan perak dengan perak, gandum dengan gandum, tamar dengan tamar, garam dengan garam mestilah sama timbangan dan sukatannya, dan ditukar secara terus pada satu masa dan sekiranya berlainan jenis, maka berjual-belilah kamu sebagaimana yang disukai Riwayat Muslim, no 4039 no hadith 11 9.Untuk makluman FOREX dalam matawang yang diuruskan oleh konvensional tidak menjaga syarat ini maka ini menjadi Riba Nasiah Ini kerana kebanyakan FOREX yang dijalankan oleh institusi Konvensional adalah Forward FOREX atau Forex yang menggunakan Value forward nilai masa hadapan yang mempunyai tergolong dalam Riba Nasiah Forex yang menggunakan nilai Forward ini sememangnya diketahui mampu menghasilkan untung yang lebih berbanding spot dalam kebanyakan keadaan jika tepat penggunaannya. Mestilah terdapat serah terima atau disebut qabadh dalam Islam secara benar hakiki atau hukmi pada waktu yang sama Masalah dalam implementasi FOREX adalah bertangguh dalam penyerahan dari kedua-dua pihak Tatkala itu aqad menjadi batal Radd al-Muhtar ala ad-durr, 4 531.Untuk makluman FOREX yang diuruskan oleh konvensional juga tidak menjaga syarat ini lalu ia batal dan termasuk dalam bab menjual sesuatu sebelum memilikinya yang di haramkan oleh Nabi SAW. Selain itu, FOREX juga amat terdedah kepada unsur spekulasi berlebihan yang boleh menyebabkan ia termasuk dalam katergori perjudian Walaubagaimanapun, tidak di nafikan unsur ini agak sukar untuk di tetapkan kadarnya. Tidak saya nafikan, bahawa terdapat sesetengah Bank-bank Islam juga ada yang melakukan forex ini setelah mendapatkan kelulusan Majlis Penasihat Shariah mereka, kebanyakan mereka melakukan FOREX jenis SPOT dan bukannya jenis Forward apa yang pasti, sudah tentu majlis Shariah telah meletakkan beberapa syarat dan bukannya secara bebas begitu sahaja Berkenaan pelaburan swiss yang diuruskan oleh badan Konvensional, maka sudah tentu ia tidak meletakkan sebarang perhatian kepada syarat-syarat yang di tentukan Shariah. Pemain-pemain forex kelihatan bersungguh cuba mempertahankan keharusannya, pelbagai fatwa di momokkan kepada saya, fatwa dari Jabatan Mufti Perak, fatwa seorang penasihat Shariah sebuah bank Islam dan lain-lain Hakikatnya, semua fatwa keharusan adalah tertakluk kepad a syarat di atas dan bukannya secara mutlak Secara mudah, bagi saya anda perlu memastikan siapa yang menguruskan transaksi permainan forex anda, adakah sebuah institusi kewangan Islam atau konvensional Jika institusi kewangan Islam, penasihat Shariah akan menanggung tanggungjawab, justeru, ia adalah harus bagi orang awam selagi penasihat Shariah ini mengatakannya harus. Bagaimanapun dalam hal pelaburan Swiss yang menggunakan FOREX sebagai instrumennya ini, ia sudah ternyata sebagai sebuah institusi kewangan konvensional dan kapitalis Sesebuah institusi kewangan konvensional sudah pasti akan menggunakan instrument forex tanpa sebarang ikatan syarat yang ditetapkan Shariah di atas Tanpa syarat itu, transaksi antara matawang dengan matawang secara tangguh akan menghasilkan Riba an-Nasiah yang diharamkan secara sepakat oleh seluruh Ulama Islam Ia juga adalah keputusan Panel Penasihat Shariah dunia yang bernaung di bawah nama Accounting Menurut The encyclopedia of Britanicca, futures adalah - Satu kontrak komersial yang dibuat bagi melakukan pembelian atau jualan satu asset dalam satu kuantiti yang khusus dan pada tarikh akan datang yang khusus Britannica Encyclopedia, 1988, 5 65.Ia dibenarkan oleh Shariah dengan syarat kontrak komersial yang dibuat itu hanya janji dari satu belah pihak unilateral promise from one side Jika syarat ini tidak dipatuhi maka kontrak itu tidak sah menurut Shariah kerana. Ia dianggap aqad kontrak jual beli pada masa akan datang Untuk pengetahuan pembaca, Islam tidak membenarkan aqad jual beli di meterai hari ini bagi transaksi pada masa akan datang ia tidak sah menurut Shariah Ia menjadi semakin ketara tidak sah apabila kedua-dua pihak tidak menyerahkan apa-apa, samada asset ataupun bayarannya Aqd al-Bai, Syeikh Mustafa Az-Zarqa, hlm 36.Ianya tidak boleh sama sekali dilakukan antara matawang kerana ia akan menjadi Riba an-Nasiah riba sebab bertangguh serah-terima Tetapi inilah salah satu cara yang terbaik bagi pihak konvensional bagi mendapatka n untung. Ia akan tergolong dalam jualan hutang dengan hutang Bai ad-Dayn bi ad-Dayn yang di haramkan oleh Nabi SAW kerana faktor gharar atau ketidak tentuan yang amat tinggi Sebuah hadith yang lemah menyebut Nabi SAW melarang dari menjual secara hutang dengan hutang Riwayat Ad-Dar Qutni, al-Hakim dan Al-Hakim mengatakannya sohih menurut syarat Bukhari dan Muslim Bagaimanapun menurut Syeikh Prof Dr Muhydin Qurra Ali Dhaghi, pengharaman jual beli hutang dengan hutang adalah diharamkan melalui dalil Ijma Dalil ijma ini boleh dirujuk di dalam Naylul Awtar 5 177 Pengharamannya juga telah di putuskan di dalam resolusi persidangan ke-16, Persidangan Kesatuan Ulama Fiqh Sedunia pada 5-10 1 2002.Apabila transaksi futures ini dilakukan oleh sebuah Institusi Kewangan Konvensional, sudah tentu ia tidak akan menjaga displin Islam di atas, kerana itu ianya di haramkan Malah unsur perjudian dan ketidaktentuan juga amat tinggi Seorang ilmuan Shariah menulis. Considering the case of the basic exchange c ontracts, it may be noted that the third type of contract where settlement by both the parties is deferred to a future date is forbidden, according to a large majority of jurists on grounds of excessive gharar Futures and forwards in currencies are examples of such contracts under which two parties become obliged to exchange currencies of two different countries at a known rate at the end of a known time period For example, individuals A and B commit to exchange US dollars and Indian rupees at the rate of 1 22 after one month If the amount involved is 50 and A is the buyer of dollars then, the obligations of A and B are to make a payments of Rs1100 and 50 respectively at the end of one month The contract is settled when both the parties honour their obligations on the future date. Traditionally, an overwhelming majority of Sharia scholars have disapproved such contracts on several grounds The prohibition applies to all such contracts where the obligations of both parties are deferred to a future date, including contracts involving exchange of currencies. Keputusan Majlis Penasihat Shariah dunia bagi AAOIFI menyebut dalam fatwanya Futures is not permitted according to the Shariah to undertakes futures contracts either through their formation or trading Shariah Standard, hlm 356.f Guaranteed Capital jaminan wang modal tidak lupus Keistimewaan ini adalah tidak sah menurut SELURUH ULAMA EMPAT mazhab Ini kerana dalam konsep Pelaburan Islam yang dikenali sebagai Mudarabah dan Musyarakah, tiada sebarang jaminan dari pengusaha bahawa modalnya terjamin Menurut Mazhab Maliki dan Syafie menganggap kiranya terdapat dalam kontrak mana-mana pelaburan mudarabah yang mana pihak pengurus menjamin bahawa modal tidak akan lupus walau apapun keadaan berlaku samada akibat kelalaian atau tidak , maka aqad atau kontrak itu terBATAL Hashiyah Ad-Dusuqi, 5 284 Mughni al-Muhtaj, As-Syarbini, 3 419 Manakala menurut Mazhab Hanafi dan Hanbali, syarat seperti ini terbatal dan kontrak adalah sah Ba da as-Sanai, al-Kasani, 5 115 Al-Insaf, Al-Mardawi, 5 313.Bagaimanapun pelaburan Swiss Mutual Fund ini sudah pasti lebih teruk lagi, kerana ia langsung tidak menggunakan kontrak pelaburan yang diurus menurut Shariah Pastinya kontrak pelaburan seperti ini adalah batal menurut empat mazhab dan segala keuntungan yang diterima adalah tidak sah. Menurut Shariah, hanya dua jenis jaminan modal di izinkan dalam aqad Mudarabah iaitu. Jaminan modal dikembalikan jika pihak mudarib pengurus pelaburan mengkhinati mana-mana isi kontrak, kecuaian yang jelas dalam pengurusan dan yang sepertinya. Jaminan dari pihak ketiga dan bukannya pihak pengurus pelaburan mudarib. Malangnya, kedua-dua ini tidak termasuk dalam aqad pelaburan swiss. g Guaranteed Fixed Return Ia tidak ubah seperti Fixed Deposit Fixed deposit adalah satu jenis pelaburan yang menjamin pulangan atau keuntungan dalam bentuk yang telah ditentukan secara pasti sejak awal lagi Sebagai contoh, jika anda meletakkan duit pelaburan sebanyak RM 10,000 bagi tempoh 5 bulan, anda pasti akan diberi pulangan samada jumlah tertentu seperti RM 5,000 atau kadar pulangan yang pasti 12 dari jumlah pelaburan anda Ia telah sepakat seluruh ulama sebagai haram kerana Riba Kaedah Fiqh menyebut Al-Gunm Bi al-Gurmu profit is by taking risk ertinya Bagi mendapatkan Keuntungan hasil pelaburan mestilah dengan menhadapi risiko Some Observations on the Question of RIBA and the Challenges Facing Islamic Banking, Ibrahim F I Shihata Justeru sebarang pelaburan dengan jaminan pulangan adalah bertentangan dengan kaedah di atas tadi. Selain itu, sebara ng pelaburan yang mempunyai elemen seperti ini adalah sebenarnya pinjaman dengan riba Jaminan pulangan ini menjadikan ia berteraskan konsep pinjaman wang dengan faedah interest yang dijamin Ia adalah haram. h Equity dan commodities pastinya apabila ia di urus secara konvensional, ia akan terlibat dengan unsur-unsur perjudian. i Companies pelaburan dalam syarikat-syarikat kukuh dengan jual beli saham Sebarang syarikat yang ingin diletakkan duit pelaburan sepatutnya disemak dan disahkan terlebih dahulu oleh Panel Penasihat Shariah Ia amat penting bagi menentukan samada syarikat itu menjalankan aktiviti yang menurut nilai Islam atau tidak Apabila tiada sebarang panduan seperti Pelaburan Swiss ini, sudah tentu pelaburannya akan dibuat dalam apa jua syarikat, tidak kira yang terlibat dengan judi, arak, pelacuran dan lain-lain Syarikat seperti ini sememangnya amat diminati kerana pulangannya lumyaan seperti genting di Malaysia Bagi sebarang pelaburan di luar Negara, semua syarikat yang dilabur sepatutnya mesti disemak samada ia diluluskan oleh Dow Jones Islamic atau tidak SIla rujuk web dow jones Islamic di investaaa atau djindexes mdsidx index cfm event showHome. Kesimpulannya, AMAT SUKAR UNTUK SAYA menyokong keterlibatan Muslim dalam pelaburan jenis ini, tiada satu pun yang dibuat terbukti dan ditonjolkan diurus tadbir secara Islamik oleh Badan Pengurusan Pelaburan Swiss ini Semuanya terlibat riba dan perjudian, maka semua untungnya samada riba atau tidak halal satu sen pun, walaupun pulangan lumayan beratus ratus peratus tetapi ia adalah haram HARAM DAN HARAM MANIS DI DUNIA, PAHIT DI BARZAKH DAN AKHIRAT. Keputusan-keputusan di atas adalah menurut keputusan Majlis Penasihat Shariah oleh Accounting Auditing Organization For Islamic Institutions atau OIC Interntional Fiqh Academy Majma Fiqh Islami yang dianggotai oleh ahli-ahli pakar Shariah sedunia. Forex4you adalah Perdagangan Mata wang online yang fleksibel dalam mata wang dan CFD bagi broker forex. 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It s important to remember you can use ads on your blogging platform to boost your bottom line, BUT your first responsibility should always be to provide value to readers and ultimately customers. These are the people you are blogging for, and it is their patronage that determines whether or not your business succeeds. If you can use your blog to create an active and engaging community of readers who feel valued and remain interested, your blogging efforts should pay off measurably for years to come. Need Help With Your Business Blog.

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